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miracle (Remove filter)


A miracle?

Prevented, unplanned, unknown.



4 years later.

3 years old, I can’t imagine,


what it would be like.


is what,

I thought it was.


you can love and let go.

For a reason, everything happens, they say.

Believed, I believe it.

A miracle.

A lesson.

You were a lesson.


I would not be who,

I am,


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It's a Miracle, I Tell You

The staccato rain on the roof

The sudden parting of clouds


The silent worship of morning

The kettle's steamy clicking on the stove


The stellar jay defending the nest

The gang of crows flying off


The 100 bones of feet

The climbing of mountains


The slenderness of throat

The fullness of hymns on Sunday


The meeting of you

The knowing of me



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Eyes Wide Shut

There's a miracle

I can feel it

Don't need to see it

All I have to do is believe

There's a living GOD

His love is forever

I am breathing, that's proof enough

Yes! There's a miracle 

All can be seen by faith

Do you believe?

We all believe in something

Are you doubting yourself?

Believe! You are proof enough 

Believe in something, anything 

Let your blind ey...

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believeblind eyesfaithMiracle

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