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The Rich Want To Heal The World, But I Never Knew It Was Sick

You A Masterpiece 

On My Kurt Cobain Swagger 

Can I Ask You Please 

Will You Be My Courtney Love?

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Dubbed Subtitles

what I say goes —
if I say so -
don’t allow an application to control anything
they need permission in these settings
and turn down your background music
“for what?”
if I’m going to green light your on screen time

we cannot have anyone getting an extreme close up
portray a picture perfect image

believe me...

flash forward,
when you’re using the front camera shutter you’ll see


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Creature of Habit

at times I find myself
with insight
into my third eye
the inward perception
of crystalline tears
holding onto emotions
looking for one thing

The truth

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Waxing Poetic

my love letter
stamped with a pair of pressed lips
then sealed with a kiss

the silent observer.
waiting for his moment
with the present

trying quietly not to mouth breathe aloud
smothered in your undergarments

while fire from the two flames
on a magic candle
over and over

like a brazier come undone

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The Vacuum of Space

star dust -
quantum particles —

and, strings ...
from the fabric of the universe

ashes to ashes,
A bindi
black glasses,
fragmented obsidian
and, an asteroid belt

A Shero
— deified
hereafter she received
Saturn’s ring.

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We Took a Wrong turn

You know what ?
they say,
three lefts make a right.

I’ll go ahead
and, uh…
double back around

now, where were we

we’re here



well.. then,
why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place

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Dead End

you need to
... stop
ignoring ...
the warning signs to
turn around your life

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Bullet Points

This just in
The faulty firing pin — from a fire arm
had become dislodged
causing it to misfire

very briefly …
in acceptance of all responsibility
the city-state committee
has sent a representative
that will be answering questions

now… back to you

in other news
we have a sunny forecast

there’s a color shader
right there, on
this heat map
that has an infrared si...

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fearful stutters
on lips with a lisp,
gaping wide open,
autopsy of the chest.

it's wretched.
and painstakingly

and oh, how I love it.

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Merseyside Poets Celebrate The Universe At Bidston Observatory

Merseyside poets and musicians headed to the historic Bidston Observatory on Thursday to perform a tribute to space and the planets.

Their new online anthology entitled: A Universe Of Poetry, was inspired by the building and its long history. Editors Barry Woods and Michelle Wright, who are local to the area, wanted to create a community project that embraced one of the Wirral's most importan...

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Spiritual Anima

human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity


thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child

more so

than the inward hatred from a negative mentality

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Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria

— Recurring

crime seen in your eyes,
reflecting - eyelids
singed… deep, froze
and framed with pain
the negatives
of a photographic memory,
an outlook not unlike,
questioning, asking myself
what have I done?
what am I doing with my life?
what could I have done different?

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traffic & drugs

cats pests and insecticides
labrador dog breed
strands of
grass and dirt weed

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cheech and chongmoviescriptpoempoetrypoetpoemslovenaturemetaphysicsweedcannabisdrugsgodspiritual


In the first second
infinite sensory overload
will begin, download it
and then this
thought process …
it is up to you to utilize
the central nervous system’s data

our own eye of the storm
strike like
lightning …
fast reflexes at the hands
of centered command

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serving consecutive life sentences
three meals,
the confines of jail time
three strikes,
and they are never letting you get out
they throw the book at you
like a caged animal
preying, it lands on a page that says
a message from god
sins written on — listed off, and then
sent across the hall to your distant friend again

a life of recycling license plates
crime pays for the chip...

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U.S.AUSA4th of julypoetpoempoetrypoemsnaturemetaphysicsspiritualgodfireworks

Clothing Line

cut from a different cloth
dyed in the wool you pulled over your eyes

you made your bed now lie on it
is a wonderful day to die innit

I dress my wounds
and wear my heart on my sleeve
with cuff links & fingers crossed

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Pandora's Box


outside the realm of possibilities

Chaos …

beyond belief:

and great faith.

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just walk away

pack your bags
go get ready

to walk the walk
through the traffic
of differing directions
wave down the runway
and remember…
never, look back

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Divine Intervention

where did I put those car keys,
I think I have had one too many,
loss of memory —
and this
drug habit
has me... grabbing my head
trying to
get a grasp on my own sanity

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questioning my destiny

In my study,
the test subject,
had to have
of  this
genus’ genotype
“A” and be
exhibiting these abnormalities

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Project Astral

remote viewing
a program,
telepathic visionaries
— channels
seen in a screening
recorded and reviewed

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Ghost Writer

dispelling of a curse
wards off
unknown entities
who try their hand at automatic writing

ghosts, haunters, 
“en animant” in specters
instruments crescendoing
as the light abandons us

no ones home,
signs that say to go away

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Quantum Leap

displace - out
from this world
not of it 

In finite spaces where mathematics add it, if
nothing changes places with one thing
And, then... again
this singularity is the black hole devouring our
multiplication - signs of the times
how the tables have turned
one number
spiraling out of control
Oh, flower of life...

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Sweet Nothings

Queenship and Kingsman
The terms of endearment
scroll …
And, read through it

what’s in the fine print …

Maid of Honor …

If you would,
please …
As the left hand of the queen
swear your loyalty

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Symbiosis of Broken Hearts

What is love?
Besides “A”
— a couple of
vowel sounds,
between U & I


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Star seeds ‘n’ the Cosmic egg - of life

Dewy lotuses, 
grow in the dark -
creating an entangling —
Flower of Life …

nature and everything — we know — has its roots
on the grounds of truth
every family tree,
a tree house.

Habitats for Humanity  

There is a lone wolf
which is black,
and blue,
in the eyes :
whom sees the world differently
depending on —
whether or not you’re 
— on his or her good or...

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take the wheel

And venturing out
as an artisan model aircrafts
... enthusiast
is a larger than life recreation
to somebody
fell in love
Amelia Earhart's
figure 8

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makeup sex

Beauty standards ...
makeup your mind
you said you'd be ready
an hour past ...
you haven't changed at all
I'm leaving you
While i tease your hair,  suck it up
I'm head over heels in love

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Goole is where I’m off this week 

I’ve heard the fishing museums Unique  

I walk and stare at the ground  

Reminding me it’s a historic port town 

its special relationship  with Gibraltar Rock

Is the same as I have with my dirty…  sock


So... I’m on my way to Goole 

Under my arm is my best cagoule  

My Happiness  level never does drop 

But one things for sure the rai...

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the Good Book

generational forefathers
bore thine
fruits of their labor,

to an heiress

Oh, the burden
given to this poor mistook child.

the Fall of man—after death
40 days and 40 nights,
If we were to predate the Gregorian calendar
… spring too,
life—before Christ—dark
and light archangels
would earn their halos
from Helios through
sun worship,
during the 7 Days of Creation,
summer was mad...

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