The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

room (Remove filter)

These four walls

Ever still am I

Where freedom swells, breaks and lies

Lost in a room of my own making

My frantic mind unabaiting

The key holder to a door with no lock

This time it is I who is out of luck


Thoughts sway and dwell upon the question

Staring at the whitewash in my mission

Could hell really be so pale?

The body and mind eager-eyed in a chess match

Sweating as the need...

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another waiting room; another waiting room (04/25/2024)

the tracts where sleep ran 

ducts thru navel 

smoky rivers, freshly stained 

while we wait, fidgeting in a

 too-big waiting room 

too big for just the two of us 

too small for all the thoughts 

too small

for the silence . 


it smells like a barber shop 

and the fixtures buzz idly 

bright, but flickering 

and I remember that 

you can't smoke in public anym...

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The things that never will (or was it the Will that never thinks? Honestly it's been so long that I forgot)

I stargaze in my own room,
with thought of holding you.

The melody of songs I don't know,
make me wonder what there is to behold.
With a gentle laugh,
I stand starstruck by your words.

Like a child I stand below it all,
seeing colour that aren't letting you go,
as the stars paint a portrait of your smile,
I am caught stargazing in my own room.

And the sky turns back to white,
as t...

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The Big Room

bragging about them is natural

my main bedroom is enormous

or, you should see our kitchen

you've never heard such a fuss


the living-room where gran died

private places for lovers' trysts,

modern caves instead of holes

in hill-sides wreathed in mists


civilised now, flock wall-papered

aertexed ceilings, marble floors,

don't omit that prerequisite, an


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four walls


four walls



thinking in the dark


four walls do not

make a room


a room needs a floor

and ceiling


four walls

a ceiling

and a floor


four walls with no door

can keep others out

but keep you in


a door

an invitation in


an exit out


try to decide

which is best


door or

no door


or roll ov...

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Arrows of Rain

On the empty wall of my room

I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --


Hitting the ground,

And getting up to ankles,


The rain will be wetting my socks

And trousers from below;


Then my eyes will follow




...tick, tick, tick...

Everything in the picture,


Until catching a black brolly,

And the shiny enamel shoes...

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  Quietly, she spoke of tea, toast, the after smell of cigars,
Let us say we met in a room: curtained, peeling, private.
Briefly she consulted the winter afternoon,
Reviewed the deadening, leadening sky.

It was discreetly done.
No presences danced beyond no lifted curtains.
Darkness had silted us away.

Words, like s...

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Time stands still in a front room in early ’95.

The telly is on but the sound is off,

All About Eve plays on the stereo,

soft vocal tones and powerful guitar.

The clock says a time but that doesn’t matter

as here it is timeless.

Bev drinks a glass of wine

while I have the rest of the bottle

and a full bottle of Thunderbirds.


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