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Romance (Remove filter)



The Moon feels naught in futile circling

far off in bland acceptance of our plight;

while in that feeble light we half-blind stray

to situations shunned in light of day.


Her beams afford us sight attenuate

allowing indiscretions - thought and deed

and poets then, that cold dead orb invest

with subtle attributes no whit possessed.


As folly nightl...

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The Umpire’s Decision

The Umpire’s Decision 
at a Women’s Seniors Tennis Match


Sitting in this chair I see you,

Tension stretching every nerve.

My life’s tea would be much sweeter

With you there, “Miss Mills to serve.”


I remember other summers.

Football king meets tennis queen:

At first sight I lost my heart

To you, Miss Mills, at just “Fifteen, love.”



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Deep & Divine


Honey can you tell me, is our sweet lover's moon shining there tonight?

here where I stand across the ocean deep it's soft glow is in full sight,

let it cast a blessing upon our pure loving for the magic of eternity,

for less than that time would be too short for the love you share with me…


In the soothing softness of the moonbeams we can express all our desires,


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The Language Of Love


The language of love is one we both know, it is in the eyes where passions show,        and in the rhythm of the pounding heart, the place where all true love does start...           
Love is a language of touch and caress, in kisses that bring out the very best, of communication at the depths of the soul, love is a language that has i...

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You will be mine!


I’ll make you laugh I’ll make you smile

I’ll use my charm I’ll use my style

I’ll give you drinks I’ll get you drunk

you’ll look at me and see a hunk.


We’ll have a meal we’ll have a dance

we’ll dim the light for ambience.

I’ll kiss your lips I’ll kiss your neck

you’ll say to me, “Oh what the heck”.


Forget your worries and your cares

as I race...

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