The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Umpire’s Decision

The Umpire’s Decision 
at a Women’s Seniors Tennis Match


Sitting in this chair I see you,

Tension stretching every nerve.

My life’s tea would be much sweeter

With you there, “Miss Mills to serve.


I remember other summers.

Football king meets tennis queen:

At first sight I lost my heart

To you, Miss Mills, at just “Fifteen, love.


Playing, working, married, happy.

At a party, gently flirty,

Overstepped the baseline and

Our own match finished there at “Thirty, love.


Partnerless, in singles world,

Filled the hours with pastimes sporty;

Joined the local tennis club

And courted new romance at “Forty, love.


She wasn’t you though, that’s the point.

Return and once more be my wife;

I love no-one as I love you:

Game, set and match - Miss Mills.” For life.


◄ Knitting A Poem


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John Coopey

Wed 10th Jul 2013 22:52

Me too but also the discipline and the retro tone. Reminded me of Betjeman ("Miss J Hunter Dunn, Miss J Hunter Dunn, Furnished and burnished by Aldershot sun")

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