The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Knitting A Poem

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Hello WOL chums - long time no hear from Fifi. Apologies for that - making a living got in the way of having a life. But I had to share this with you: Ian McMillan (yes, the Ian McMillan) re-tweeted a poem of mine, so I'm as happy as a cat with two tails! The poem was inspired by watching Karen Alderson knitting during a get-together at an Arvon course run by WOL's very own Julian Jordon with Francesca Beard. A few explanations: for the non-knitters, a welt is the knitted 'waistband' thing at the bottom of a jumper or cardigan, a 'purl' is a type of stitch and 'cabled' refers to the twisted knitting resembling cables, usually found on Aran jumpers (see picture); a 'purler' is something that's the finest of its kind; a 'ganzey' is a term for a thick knitted jumper, traditionally blue, round-necked, and worn by fishermen.   

Knitting a Poem

Each word a stitch, knitted in rows

Of sentences, sounds, inspirations, ideas;

Each word holds the previous word and the next:

The interlinked strands of the thread of a yarn.


Each poem a purler: patterned precisely

Of mohair-fine meanings in cabled quatrains

Of texture and depth; a fisherman’s ganzey

Of fury and glory of phrases familiar

And new-minted turns.


A word-wealthy welt bearing seams of illusion

Or truth or perspective from back and from front,

Befitting its subject and crafted to measure,

Each work must be finished, cast off and tried on.


Removing one stitch, just one word of the rows

Of sentences, sounds, inspirations, ideas -

Removing one stitch

From the interlinked strands of the thread of the yarn

Unravels the whole.


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Fifi Fanshawe

Sat 1st Jun 2013 12:44

Thanks, Tommy - you made me laugh so much this morning!

Thanks, Julian - I love to see the word 'superb' in a review...

Thanks, Francine - that's very kind of you - and I love your profile picture!

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Fri 31st May 2013 18:10

What a great analogy this is!
(And I LOVE your name!)

<Deleted User> (5011)

Fri 31st May 2013 06:57

Miss Miranda aka Fanshawe, I had forgotten just how superb this is. I am glad he re-tweeted it - who knitted the word 're-tweeted'?

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 31st May 2013 00:20

Lawyers? Lawyers? I will knit me-self a string of them and weave (I'm getting into this)a law-suit of poetic(oh this is fun)liables and stitch you up! you bloody cast-off!

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Fifi Fanshawe

Thu 30th May 2013 21:16

Thanks, Tommy. When you make a fortune from it, I'll be very jealous and on to my lawyers ;)

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 29th May 2013 20:11

''knitting a poem'' this phrase is so good that I'm going to take it and say I's what wrote it.

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