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Tears Of Nostalgia 

When will incessant rains will stop its sorrow,

when the deadlines of late assessments deepen the thoughts flow..

Thought after thought, with flourish and flow of

One's fond memories they keep inside their soul 💘🌬️

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Fantasy Days

Oh, those fantasy days

Of narrow houses, long gardens,

Backing on to the railway line,

Where passengers marvelled

At the symmetry of washing,

Doing its flappy each-way act.

The vegetable patches

Gobbled up the dust and grime,

And smiles were extracted

From the school of hard knocks.

At sunset, big, proud men

Would contemplate their lot,

And bow sun-fired heads


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MemoriesEast London

Tide Pools

A cigarette glows
reflected in the truck windshield
careening through the city night
These headlight beams
fruitlessly searching
for something gone
The Grand Rapids highways
never take me where I want to be
not even close

I drink awhile at Anchor bar
a quarter spinning on the table
thoughts go round, keep coming back
'til my skull's swimming too
Two more beers
heads they’re mine

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Did I hit my head or have a fall?

Did I hit my head or have a fall?

Did my heart give out?

Am I under the stars?

Did I make it to heaven?

The memories I have are as strong as an over perked cup of coffee

I can’t forget or let them go

In fear that I’ll feel I’ll have never lived those moments to remember

I try to recreate those memories

I try to relive every moment

But each time I do

I realize it’s not...

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DeathPTSDNightmaresflashbacksmemoriesmental health

Azure Dreams

I dream in shades of azure blue,
White horses crest, their dance anew.
Murmurs soft on gold-kissed grain,
Diamonds dapple, twinkle's reign.

Song of light in subtle fade,
Saffron fingers sketch, persuade.
Shapes caressed, each curve's embrace,
Warmth's tender kiss, the night's soft lace.

Embers burn to sky's demand,
Fires grand where heavens stand.
Ashes red in twilight's hymn,

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Black hole

Moon eyed she goes 

She is one of the stars

Lonesome she is 

In the presence of Mars


Soon her reflection renews

She is a planetary part apart 

Memories become brand-new 

She is solo in this system 


And as the lights dim 

He becomes hers 

She sucks us in 

Until everything’s hers 

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Black holeplanetstarsmarsidentityreclaimmemorymemoriesreflectiongirlcharacterpersonalityabstractmetaphorinner workreflectiveIntrospectionintrospectiveinwardsanalyticalmaskspersonasself discoveryself workpossession

There Was Wind Blowing In The Trees

My grandparents names stand in front of me

Hundreds of yards away from each other, neighborly


They were always a city away,

But now so close for eternity.

There with the named and the nameless,

Where so many lives remain only in memory.


There was wind blowing in the trees,

Sun beating down upon our face,

Some of us walked on,

Some of us stayed.


Flowers ...

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Picture frame the moments. 

In diaries write them down. 

Hold on to such with all you have

for times will come around,

when they will be all that you have

to make it one more day. 

And on that day let all else go…

then you will find the way.

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Acknowledge me

It reaches further than "please fuck me" or "don’t touch me"

It’s a liminal in-between 

A line we like to call blurry

But I never asked you to undress me

My body abandoned me

My words went slurry

Tongue too thick to go beyond a mumble

Kind sir escorted me to save me from stumble

Four times play on my mind

One of them I even forgot

Until it accosted me during a usual d...

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acceptdenialpaintraumaacknowledgeassaultrapeattackaccostrape cultureblurred linesconsentalcoholmemoriesgrowthyouthPTSDsurvivemental healthemotionarticulatecommunicatevulnerableopen up

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