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Season song


Across the forest summer sings

Whilst brother autumn waits in its wings

Winter fluffs its snowy fleece

Whilst snoozy spring gets some well earned peace.

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Summer breeze and the bee’s knees

The sky’s serenity

The sun’s strength

Mother Nature’s pride and poise

Earth’s balance

A bouquet of beauty in every way

The stillness between the trees

The calmness of the wind’s whispers

The modesty of mother nature; sacred and serene

The breathtaking beaches

The comfort of a campfire

The boisterous BBQ gatherings

The coziness of a cabin

With sun-kissed skin


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summerbeautymother nature

End of Summer

It’s said that one alone don’t make a Summer

but when there’s none at all, is that when Summer’s gone?

And when there’s nothing up there but a shimmer

of dust from the desert superheated by the sun;

and when the sheds and barns remain in silence

from April to October; when radiance that shone 

on midge-full fields no longer flicks on mindless 

scything wings and sideslippings ...

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birdsswallowsNaturesummerthe end of summer

Poem: Summer..

The scorching heat of Sun,

children playing in ponds and having fun.

The temperature may rise,

and if you are enjoying it.

You are also wise.

That is Summer!


The feel of blowing wind,

And because of the sweat,

our bodies get thinned.

and my sister’s flying hair.

And if we go out too much,

our skin gets dark from fair.

That is Summer!


In deserts it i...

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The Eternal Flame

Two stones banged together 
To create a misplaced spark
Forget about the weather
Never mind the dark
Harnessing that fire
Gave Neanderthals a thrill
They could build a funeral pyre
And keep out the Ice Age chill

Down countless generations 
The flame remained intact
As in various locations 
Wood was splintered, split and stacked
By Maasai on the Kenyan Plains
In Uluru’s mystic glow

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