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love (Remove filter)

Allow yourself to heal

You talk about the past as it defines you
I hope one day you look past the pain and trama
For there is a gift inside you
For the world to see
Your kind and caring personality

You are not a prisoner of your past
Your prison cell has always been open
It time for you to walk on through
And let the world in and all it has to offers you

Nothing is ever broken or beyond repair
It takes tim...

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Lovelosspain  romance  heartbreak  sadnessforgivenesshealing

Spiritual Anima

human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity


thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child

more so

than the inward hatred from a negative mentality

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Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria

— Recurring

crime seen in your eyes,
reflecting - eyelids
singed… deep, froze
and framed with pain
the negatives
of a photographic memory,
an outlook not unlike,
questioning, asking myself
what have I done?
what am I doing with my life?
what could I have done different?

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La pureté de l'éternel éphémère

Il y a des moments dans la vie

Qu'on ne risque pas d'oublier

Des moments incroyables

Qu'on aimerait recréer


Comme le moment précis

Quand je t'ai vu pour la première fois

Une simple rencontre

Que m'a rempli de joie


Je marchais dans la rue

Quand on s'est croisés

Et dans ce moment précis 

Le temps s'est arrêté


Le bruit autour de nous

S'est soudain...

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The Melody of Love

One day I said: Love, you are so strong!

It answered: but I sometimes can be wrong.

Only fools are always right

And with anyone they can fight.


I said: when you are near my heart sings.

You are the one who happiness brings.

Love answered with a cunning smile:

To make lovers happy is my style.


- But I want to ask you once more:

Why were you so cruel...

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Have you ever stopped to ask why do I run

Ironically its only when you stop the mind runs wild

We run to be fit

We run to be social

We run to be healthy

But is it always healthy to run

I run for a different life I cannot have

I run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

My love runs Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

I started so I could support her

To let her know I was with her eve...

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The Most Powerful Force in the Universe …



The most powerful force in the universe …

What force is it?

Do you want to say someone’s full purse?

You are blind.

Foolish things are on your mind.


There is a force that lives in me and you,

This force is well-known and is not new.

Some people lack this energy,

They live with different strategies.


This force is like a beautiful flower,


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Three dots

Three dots bounce with so much meaning

She is still there

We are connected once again 

The light is green 

For a moment we are back

But as quick as it comes it must go

Holding onto the green till the last moment

But must it go

Are the dots a pause

Till we are ready to reconnect

Are the dots hiding the sinister end

Or are the dots hiding the life we could have


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traffic & drugs

cats pests and insecticides
labrador dog breed
strands of
grass and dirt weed

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cheech and chongmoviescriptpoempoetrypoetpoemslovenaturemetaphysicsweedcannabisdrugsgodspiritual


In the first second
infinite sensory overload
will begin, download it
and then this
thought process …
it is up to you to utilize
the central nervous system’s data

our own eye of the storm
strike like
lightning …
fast reflexes at the hands
of centered command

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just walk away

pack your bags
go get ready

to walk the walk
through the traffic
of differing directions
wave down the runway
and remember…
never, look back

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Divine Intervention

where did I put those car keys,
I think I have had one too many,
loss of memory —
and this
drug habit
has me... grabbing my head
trying to
get a grasp on my own sanity

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questioning my destiny

In my study,
the test subject,
had to have
of  this
genus’ genotype
“A” and be
exhibiting these abnormalities

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