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August collage poem (Remove filter)

August 2024 Collage Poem: The Square Root of Loneliness

Race war frozen in memory

black dogs cast out angles that make me scream inside

This gift of feeling love ends with a thousand

empty days made of silk

In their lives of long distress


The solace of choice, securely made

near the coastal shelf of abstract loneliness

Dancing to Shakespeare and his funky

verses about metaphysical loneness.


The calming mellowness of...

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August collage poem2024Race RiotLoneliness

August 2019 Collage Poem - 'Washed Out to Sea'

Hypnotic Methodist Tingling

A sea of souls awaiting slaughter for freedom


Mermaid, just say no


On a darksome day we skipped to death

Marked by a felt-tipped pen


There is sadness, but not without hope


Samuel Bamford is protesting

In Hong Kong

Filming on his smart phone, filming,

Sharing, filming, sharing. Hoping it

Won’t be edited out, won’t be his ...

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August collage poemPeterlooSeaStockport Write Out LoudWashed out to Sea

August 2016 Collage Poem: 'But a Dream'


Iron bird, place the peg

On your nose and press your hair

Pale Beyonce dances

Uncertainly with clowns


Blonde power Olympic salute


Curl your fingers around mine

On a dancefloor of angels

I am so angry that those lies

Still dominate those folks


To cut into the last horizon

Fragmented thunderstorms


I was scared to death


Clicking heels


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August collage poemStockport

August Collage Poem - Age


In secret arbours poetry unfolds,

rattling, winding snake in the grass


vibrant gold laminated landscapes glow

shifting the smoke to hold my breath


age is a collection of memories,

dust gathered on the mantlepiece

in the space that once held

your photograph


sitting on a slope is making me dizzy

wheelchairs, and relatives keeping photogr...

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August collage poem

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