The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Betrayal (Remove filter)

In The Garden Of Gethsemane

In The Garden Of Gethsemane


Crucifixion Charlie

Never one to miss

The chance to bring his Saviour down

With a Judas kiss

Sitting in the shadows

Full of vinegar and piss

Hammer and nails ready

For a martyr such as this


Resurrection Charlie

Basking in the glow

Of a joyous blessed outcome

And a dose of ‘told you so’

Never doubted for a minute


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in my cupboards

skeletons hang

still mouths strangers to the songs they sang


I take them out

bone-dry and hoar

wan skulls shorn of the locks they wore


pelvic sculptures

sharp as a blade

silent shrines to hectic love they made


bereft of flesh

that lit my fire

no lithe joints but threads of thin wire


hot tears drop on

memories clean,


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she conjured my fate

juggled my dreams

with her visions my memory teems


I was treading water

sitting on my hands

she took me off to distant lands


hands that soothed

performed illusions

making sense of my delusions


shelter in her cloak

solace from her eyes

with my pain her mercy vies


that charming smile

she shone abroad

seemed to lift my...

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Blue Sheets

the tears are gone

her eyes are dry

dawn breaks unblinking in the sky


I've confessed all

my conscience clean

surprised she did not make a scene


all those women

the casual lies

yet no questions or fluttering whys


no hint of shock

her sheets are blue;

I told her what she already knew


she'd sucked it up

loved me so much

forgiven all just f...

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things used to be simple

lovers dawning undiluted

before he turned up and

left my dreams polluted


I knew she had a history

you sensed it in her eyes

she'd seen many lovers

said a host of goodbyes


hoped she'd seen sense

woken up and matured

that restless streak still

her carnal urges cured


my money she was after

I knew it from the start


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At The Grave Of St Valentine

there's a point on the map when

doubts and desapir veer to meet

and idly parade nowhere down a

lonely slum of a one-way street


no compass charts this latitude

where time gross reality bends

for its a quarter of lifeless loss

the geography where love ends


I've drifted here so many times

its memories my endless bane

before me for I sense a reprise

I am sure...

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