The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Biden (Remove filter)


The march of time has done for one good man;

America has opted for a fool,

But once they suffer four years at his school,

They’ll spit out their disgust, because they can.


Societies will dabble with the dark

Until the day the scales fall from their eyes,

When, faced with routine bigotry and lies,

They understand this is no campaign lark.


Then honesty and decency p...

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I’ll show to him the courtesy

He never showed to me;

I’ll meet him at the White House

With no conspiracy.


I’ll help with the transition

In ways he never did,

And will not throw my toys about

Like some spoiled teenage kid.


And won’t pretend we won the vote

Or claim to have been cheated

And will not start a riot

Because I was defeated.


I’ll shake hi...

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US electionBidenTrump

And so it goes on…

And so it goes


People protest

Against dead bodies

“They’re all terrorists

each and every one”

He says, they say


And so it goes on


The people are lost

Picking through rubble

Discovering their loved ones

Dead clothes



But the truth is being hidden

Sanitised by the news

The killing is not so awful

They plead


And so...

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GazabidenIsrael. GazaNetanyahufamineFree Palestine

America Turns the Lights on (US Election)

The lights go on

And the darkness slips away, from

The podium

The Twitter fueled hate

The stockpiling of lies, we thought it was too late


But it Brings a better day

Brings a better day

Brings a better day


A tombstone is lifted

And people can now breath

Not suffocating from insanity

And his personal greed


It brings a better day

Brings a better d...

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bidentrumpUSAUS elections

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