The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Netanyahu (Remove filter)

And so it goes on…

And so it goes


People protest

Against dead bodies

“They’re all terrorists

each and every one”

He says, they say


And so it goes on


The people are lost

Picking through rubble

Discovering their loved ones

Dead clothes



But the truth is being hidden

Sanitised by the news

The killing is not so awful

They plead


And so...

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GazabidenIsrael. GazaNetanyahufamineFree Palestine

Our Guiding Stars


They’ve just let the cat

out of Number Ten,

she’s going going,

going gone;

No Scene Of Crime tape

across the door;

hate-crime's OK,

and genocide too;

but look on the bright side,

to avoid accusations

of anti-Semitism

Magellan’s out,

Netanyahu’s in.

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The Big Lie

In a state born from terrorism, what could go wrong,

with Ben Yahoo funding terrorists to bring Abbas to his knees;

his blind eyes turned to incendiaries and to rockets,

with millions in cash allowed through the crossing,

to maintain a ceasefire with Hamas in The Strip?

In a state born from terrorism, what could go wrong?

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NetanyahuHamasMahmoud AbbasThe Stripcorruption

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