The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Broken families (Remove filter)

Thoughts of the wife of a pedophile

Maybe not the healthiest thing 

But the healthiest I ever had


Such a prince charming you seemed, with

 your white van for a steed. Full of recovery 

stories and what seemed like integrity.  


Not perfect for sure, an anger problem and unnaturally, unwarranted high self esteem. Yet still better, more together and healthier 

than I had ever been.


So many nuggets of...

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wifepedophilesadpainfamilyBroken familieslost lovedeceptionlies

"Broken Families"

Broken Families broken dreams

Life isn't always what it seems

People are hurting they're starving for love

But that only comes from God above

Even His son needed His help

From all the pain that He had felt

Our loving savior sweat drops of blood

Yet if He could die again for us He would

You see we are a broken family this whole human race

Yet the King of the universe woul...

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