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Captain Tom (Remove filter)

We should all be a bit of Captain Tom

“I won’t wear a mask.

I’ll do what I f’in want to do.”


But he just kept walking

Round and round

Doing more than this government ever could do


“I’ll see who I want

When I want.”


But in the years when he should be

Just letting go

He gave it all to us


A hospital he will never see

A cancer patient walking out pain free

A child’s broken limb, now ...

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Captain Tom

Colonel Tom

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom


What a legend Colonel Tom has become

The hearts of all our nation, he has won

To walk a hundred laps was his only goal

At 100 years old, it should have taken its toll

But Colonel Tom took it all in his stride

Filling isolated days with cheer and pride


The news of his challenge travelled far and wide

The media shared his story, prou...

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colonel tomCaptain Tompositivity

Captain Tom Moore

A man we all know - Captain Tom Moore, 
A veteran from the second world war, 
He has just reached one hundred years, 
And whose recent feat roused many cheers.

A hundred times he paced his grounds, 
Which quickly raised millions of pounds. 
To the NHS will go that money, 
From a challenge that at first seemed funny.

He showed that age is just a number, 
Which should be nothing to encu...

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Stuart VannerCaptain TomHopeAgeAchievement

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