The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Hillary (Remove filter)

A White House or A Farce House ?

Awe inspired
While the whole world was
Expecting a
Brilliant lady
In a white-house
Drawing a blank
It witnessed a
Clown in a Farce
With the rob of Democracy
Takes stage Autocracy!

If spoken must
Be the truth
The revolting unfolding
Augurs ill to the youth,
The successors,
The task forces of
A given nation,
Who deserves
A better attention
To take the nation
To a n...

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A"Wicked woman'"From a Wicked Man

That "Wicked woman!"
Is a wicked utterance
From a wicked man
Clowning, who plan
To get every  possible
& oblivious voter a fan!

A wicked man
Revoltingly believes
Women are wicked
Oblivious he is
Out  to slaughter
His sister, mother
,wife and daughter !

What a trash
What a trash
A folly that leads
A great,  all-accommodating
And democracy-upholding Nation
To a lapse or a deadl...

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