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Masks And Whiskers

half-dead they do linger

machines tinkle and purr

medics swathed in plastic

distressed humans a-stir


beneath ICU wards and

amid odd cavities galore

smaller fauna breathes

distant the muffled roar


who considers the mice?

they live in hospital too

a big enough challenge

without this virus stew


if you listened carefully

on dozing wards at night


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Battle-hardened Sister Yvonne

Missed nothing

Double-checking mask, visor, gown


Colleagues, even

Consultants, relied on her to pin-point

Gaps in their armoury.

If anyone was safe from patients

She was.

After her shift last night she

Clocked off and

Walking to her car

Got hit by a taxi taking home a patient.

Reliable to the end

She did not troubl...

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The Specialist

You didn't argue with him

Registrars quailed and more than one

Seasoned sister had fled in tears while

He was loaded, a

Private practice financing

Mansion, country cottage, horses, boat

All the trappings

A pretty if fading wife who'd put up

With a lot.

He was in his prime.

Then that bloody virus hit and he was

King no more

Elective surgery on hold

The normal ...

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specialistsurgeryintensive carelockdownoximeteroxygenICU




I sit upon a judgement chair

And watch the lights

And hear the sounds

That emanate from over there

Where broken hopes

And dreams abound


You pay me well

But do not want me

Sitting there where you could sit

Taking up your place in hell

Amongst the blood

and tears and shit


I came from Spain

To ease the pressure

As hospitals began to...

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NHSbrexitforeign nursesICU

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