The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lost Future (Remove filter)

Lost Future

Before this dismal outcome came to be

the future seemed to beckon from afar:

a place bereft of scarcity and war;

a polished jewel of bright uncertainty.

In old-time bookshops (now but memories)

the science fiction covers let us dream

of silver cities, interstellar scenes

and giant spacecraft hung in distant skies.

But none of these is ours. What came to pass

stands far ...

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Lost FutureHauntology

Lost Future

Before this dismal outcome came to be

the future seemed to beckon from afar:

a place bereft of scarcity and war;

a polished jewel of bright uncertainty.

In old-time bookshops (now but memories)

the science fiction covers let us dream

of silver cities, interstellar scenes

and giant spacecraft hung in distant skies.

But none of these is ours. What came to pass

stands far ...

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Lost FutureHauntology

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