The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

MAGA (Remove filter)

The Stage of Deceit

Donald Trump Jr. resorts to grotesque manipulation in his latest PR stunt in Greenland, exploiting the homeless and downtrodden to create an illusion of support for his father. This cold-hearted scheme reveals a family willing to go to any lengths for a false image—no matter how embarrassing or degrading. The staged scenes in Nuuk, with homeless people wearing MAGA hats for a free meal, expose a d...

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Trump Jr.GreenlanddeceitexploitationPR stuntshameMAGAfalse facademanipulationhypocrisyTrump family clanpolitical theatercorruptionliesscandalintegritymoral decay

Allowance or 'Dim Don Junior'

You don’t need much brains to share a tweet

(Tech Bros will help you if you can’t).

Just flash up vile messages on your screen

And give them a big MAGA slant.


Insult a battered country and its chief,

Say that his time is almost up,

And inform him that all future funding

Will be dropped in a paper cup.


Here’s what the tweet said, in more precise terms:


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The Sequel (Sonnet)

T2 will be an egocentric Déjà vu

T2 will bring back the hullabaloo

T2 will be the worst-ever S.N.A.F.U.

T2 will guarantee vindictive chaos ensues

T2 will be no ‘nice to be back, how-do-you-do’ 

T2 will bring back the world's horribilis hairdo


Don’t be a Muslim, Hindu, or Jew

Don’t say you’re a boy once named Sue

Don’t say you’re a migrant from Xanadu

Don’t say you’r...

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sonnetMAGAU.S. Election

The Sequel 

T2 will be an egocentric Déjà vu

T2 will bring back the hullabaloo

T2 will be the worst ever S.N.A.F.U.

T2 will guarantee vindictive chaos ensues

T2 will be no ‘nice to be back, how-do-you-do’ 

T2 will bring back the world's horribilis hairdo


Don’t be a Muslim, Hindu, or Jew

Don’t say you’re a boy once named Sue

Don’t say you’re a migrant from Xanadu

Don’t say you’r...

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trumpMAGAUS elections



(Up to August 2023, there have been SIX evidence-free attempts in the US to impeach President Biden. Each time Donald Trump is accused of a crime, his friends call for the impeachment of the prosecutor. Where will it all end?)


Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

All those who govern, judge or teach.


Impeach the man, impeach the boy,

The redwood tree, the cuddly toy.



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The MAGA Hat is Dead

Hey you!
Yeah you with the MAGA hat
You’re like the filth of a rat
You’ve got the brain of a gnat

You pledge allegiance to a swine—
—that’s 45
You fall in line

I think you’ve been misled
by that inbred chucklehead

So let’s go overdrive
Swap that hat for a hive

I think you need some stings
I think you need to hurt

All the states that were swings are going to leave you in the ...

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