The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Machiavelli (Remove filter)

The Pragmatist's Paradox: Trump Through Machiavelli's Lens

Donald Trump’s political persona is viewed through the lens of Niccolò Machiavelli’s 12 principles from The Prince. It delves into Trump’s use of manipulation, adaptability, and perception to solidify his power, aligning with Machiavelli’s emphasis on the importance of cunning and seizing opportunities. While Trump exemplifies the Machiavellian "new prince" who rises through personal success rathe...

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TrumpMachiavelliThe Princepolitical powerperceptionfearadvisorsadaptabilitymanipulationleadershippolitical instabilitymilitary strengthpopulismpersonal success

Extinct Possibility

Like angels pinhead dancing,
we have truly lost our way,
to live the fat anointed life
for fossils, we will pay,
radiation will not go away,
as oceans flood the bay.

Thus, the Machiavellians
enjoy their little rants,
and the paid-off scientists
are bribed with oil grants,
pretending they cannot decide
if CO 2 will raise the tide,
boost the climate worldwide.

For political advantag...

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climate changeMachiavelli


(with apologies to Lewis Carroll)

‘Twas Brexit, and the slithy Gove
did frottercrutch in dwarfish glee;
he snicker-snacked the Camerove,

Beware the stabberjock, my son!
The empty eyes, the robo-glint!
who fellobrates the Murdocrone
the Ruperturtle übergimp!

He pallerised the BoJo cloon
they chummed upon their sunderbus
emblazoned it with fibberoons
and ba...

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