The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Messiah (Remove filter)

Messiah Of The Fields

Messiah Of The Fields


They left me hanging on a cross

The saviour of the summer crops

Just rag and straw so no great loss

My blood is in the wheat and hops


I faced the black and vicious hoard

Their coal cruel eyes and sharpened beaks

I am the ragged overlord

Who scares the crow yet never speaks


They pray to me to save their soils

From dark boned devils ...

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ancient ritualdeathguardianlifemessiahrebirthreligionresurrectionritualsaviourscarecrow

Blessed with Worldly Poverty

Can you imagine waking up every morning to slave for a wicked house?

Im at the lowest part of my life in this world,

But the highest point in my life with God.

Im poor

Yet rich.

Im oppressed

Yet free.

I am a slave

Yet I am proud to slave for the Most High.

I cant complain even though I dont have much.

I thank God for what I have.

I have not in this world,

But I ...

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ChristGodMessiah12 TribesIsraelElect

I am Certain

In every city, I go.

In every country, I have been.

The Star and the Cross hope,

That he will be with us one day.


They call him by different names,

And claim him as theirs.

Both preaching similar faiths,

Both saying they are correct.


One says he is yet to come,

While the other hopes for him again.

One says he is the son of God,

While the other says, he wi...

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judaismChristianitypoetryfaithcorruptionMessiahCrossStarLoveHateCertainI am CertainGodJesus

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