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Pandemonium (acrostic)

Peace and dialogue are rejected
Anarchy with chaos breeds and
No-one is safe from the claws of fear
Demons with devilish or "divine" intentions
Excrete their venom, make their motives clear
Milton gave us the word in Paradise Lost, an
Odious capital in the midst of Hell
Nearing beauty in its simple concept, but how to fight it?
I cannot tell, there's
Unease and violence in the maelstrom, ...

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Silk Worm

Those river banks were known to me
But, so full of youthful joy was I
That I longed for love and in the gloom
Your exotic beauty caught my eye
Dazzled by your salesman's pitch
Your merry jive and empty talk
I followed you, and how you led
Elan and aplomb in your dashing walk
The days were filled with pleasant trade
We brought lively banter to a weary road
A perfect team, al...

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Summer Evenings

Summer evenings stroll on
With their melodies strong
And their playful wishes well-fed
Sunsets arrive in full glory
With a daring, keen story
Reluctant to cast us to bed
The skies blush and they croon
Kiss hello to the moon
and blossom in purple and red

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Writing Prompt for Monday

Take Wilfred Owen's poem, Conscious.  Find it here:  Write it out, leaving a blank space under each line. Interpret each line as you understand it, using your own words. Take what you have written and re-write it without looking at the original poem. Check that you have not used any of Owen's words or phrasing: you should have an entirely di...

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