The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Vaccinations (Remove filter)

The Island of The Vaccinated

Such jubilation every time a vessel

debarks a new contingent at the port.

So much relief when loved ones, wrested apart

for long, lone months are free again to nestleĀ 

cheek to cheek, to hug and kiss, to jostle,

guiltlessly minglingĀ among the singing throng,

siblings swinging siblings, making rings

to dance till dawn with no oneĀ a virusā€™ vassal.


Ravenous variants infes...

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Covid Vaccinations

We now have a cause for celebration
We shall defeat Covid by vaccination.
Against this virus we all must fight.
To be immune is now our right.

There are different types of vaccine.
And it's the biggest project that we've seen.
They are distributed throughout the nation,
And for all the workers give appreciation.

When I was first there I became afraid,
But looking back I'm glad I staye...

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Stuart VannerCovid- 19VaccinationsHope

No FACTS for me - Liberation from Science

Hello Face book,

Hello Twitter,

No more facts for me.

No more peer review,

No more research papers,

Iā€™ve given up the science scene.


Free to determine my own reality,

Free to believe in what I choose,

Free to say no to the Covid vaccination for me.


Some say me selfish?

Some say me short sighted?

That the Vax is the only way out!

Information does not ki...

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Political Satirecovid-19Vaccinations

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