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Weird Dreams (Remove filter)

Chainsaw Bridge

There is a bridge in my strange city 

Ships need to pass

So up it goes.

A normal bridge until it pulls back, revealing its teeth 

Whoa to the walker, find a groove

A notch 

Or else you'll fall as up it goes

Hang on tight as it starts to spin 

Carnival lights and the revving starts 

Your notch isn't safe, hold tight as it flips and spins 

Up in the air spinning, whirli...

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Weird Dreams

The Train

It circles the city, looping in endless Ouroboros

The train does not pass through

People ride in unending loops 

How they came to be on this strange train is unknown

They exist here without reason 

There are no signs to say where you are 

No way of knowing if your stop is next

Not until you're at the platform if you miss it, count

Try not to miss it again

The rule: take ...

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DreamsWeird Dreams

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