The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

abuse of power (Remove filter)

The Fall of the False Saviour


The Fall of the False Saviour is supposed to be a powerful vision of the future, where the charade of Trump and Musk’s reign will hopefully collapse into oblivion. The people will rise, their eyes opened to the truth, and the empire of deceit will crumble. A new era will dawn—one where the voices of the people are heard again, and the corrupt are erased from memory. The false saviours will fa...

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TrumpMuskpolitical downfallfalse leaderscorruptiongreedabuse of powerdictatorshipresistancerevolutionsocial critiquepeople's awakeningend of tyrannycollapse of deceit

The World Poisoner

A dark reckoning with modern tyranny—this poem wants to expose two men who poison the world with greed and destruction. One plays the ruler, the other corrupts the discourse, both united in their pursuit of total control. Nature withers, truth is erased, and a submissive people remain silent—but there is an antidote. A searing call to resistance: brutal, unflinching, urgent.

He builds his th...

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tyrannyenvironmental destructionpropagandaabuse of poweroligarchyfascismresistance

Like A Book

Like A Book

See how the Fake God and his Wallflower

Sit next to one another at the work’s Xmas party

We all know what comes next later after food

And plenty to drink they honour the tradition

Screwing till they can’t screw no more

She likes empowered managers and he likes her

She said to a rep it was his first time joining them all

Yes as he picks the rival account but it’...

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corrupt managerbad leadershipabuse of power


Small assassinations are drilling

making their points felt

deep into the bedrock

      as mountains of trust give way

      sink beneath other leviathans

hopes dashed

fevers tempered by death

while the black hooded wait their turn.


Small assassinations take their toll

take comfort from power

feed on and off it from back rooms

      an enemy must be found


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abuse of power

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