alcoholism (Remove filter)
Storm Petrel
The black death, you troubadour, songwriter
Writing to verse, cauterising your heart
Sit in bars, watching the optics pour
Harbingers of bad weather.
Monday 2nd December 2024 2:11 pm
The Beast Beneath The Beck [song version]
The Beast Beneath The Beck
The beck at Westgate End is full of reeds,
its water is a muddy shade of brown,
confused ducks die within anaemic weeds
as sunken shopping trolleys pull them down.
Sometimes you hear a cold slithering splash,
as though some ancient creature has slid in
to feast upon the centuries of trash.
Who knows what evils are contained within?
Thursday 21st November 2024 10:30 pm
Life of a child
Daddy said he couldn't get sober, couldn't get sober,
even if he tries.
mama said the marriage ain't over, marriage ain't over,
till the day she dies.
I said I just want normalcy, just want normalcy,
it will suffice.
daddy said he couldn't get sober, couldn't get sober,
god knows he's tried.
mama said the marriage ain't over, marriage ain't over,
for all the tears s...
Tuesday 12th March 2024 9:30 am
Ship In A Bottle
I do it to blur the edges
vignette the haze of night
I do it to shave the edge off
it’s always my round
There’s wonder in the bottle
another glass, another glass
This ship can never sink
can never skim its hull
can never drown
will never go down
And that’s the lie
the lie
that I’ve been living by
for so long
Shattered streetlight reflections
scatter in the puddles
backlit house...
Thursday 16th December 2021 12:35 pm
Empty spaces
Filled to the brim
With everything that won't make you feel
The same as you did before
Monday 24th May 2021 11:42 am
Label On The Bottle
Label On The Bottle
The label on the bottle told me it was strong
But I drank it all night anyway
And didn’t think that I’d done wrong
It made me very happy in a lightheaded sort of way
It was deep amber in colour
And I would regret it all next day
It burned the back of my throat as a sipped the evil brew
It smelt of cinnamon and spice
And bit by bit my co...
Monday 25th May 2020 7:00 pm
Pulling The Snagged Thread.
Rip off the band-aid, get it over with
I never thought it would come to this
Clear mind, clear eyes
Walking straight, no more lies
Don't rely on me and I won't let you down
You can't count on me, I'll only let you down
Don't reach out for me, I'll only let you drown
These feelings are getting harder to fight myself
Pulling teeth to admit I need some help
It's cutting deep on the webbi...
Tuesday 27th November 2018 11:58 pm
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