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anger (Remove filter)


Those words we share

                and those we don't

The ones you use

                what do they mean?

So much is lost between the lines.

That inflexion or joy I might have heard

is mute


Those words we share

                and those we don't

The anger I feel in you

                what do your eyes show?

I can never know as I read the lines.

The thoug...

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Old anger

Preamble: see below for explanation that is too long to preamble here.

I didn’t know I was still angry till the day I heard you’d died.

Suddenly the old bitterness is welling up inside

I haven’t given you a thought for literally years

But now I find my eyes are filling up with tears

Not of grief, but of re-awakened pain

Reliving the sting of your words all over again

I’m not ...

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Sins of the sacred

Music fades away when you arrive
Spreading the doom with every stride
The stare of hatred locked in your eyes
Sinister cravings behind sacred lies

You want me to beg
You want me to look
You want me to bend
And follow your rules

Judging from throne made out of gold
Taken from people that you control
Deep in your cave, the smell of decay
Surrounded by slaves, you feist on their brain


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Written in anger and confusion

Should the feelings of guilt

outweigh those of resentment?

Is the fear of loneliness

worth more than fear of rage?

Is it wrong to long for simplicity

and abandon the search for contentment?

Is it right to write words of anger

on a blank, unforgiving page?


Is it wise to seek solace in poetry

when every act of writing

is seen as an act of selfishness

that can ne...

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Looking into the depths of your soul

Your eyes glassy like a window

I try to reach out to you, but as if on cue,

You pull your shades down

You put up a nice facade

Concealing it with your dimpled smiles

You think you hid it well from me

But you'll watch me wreck your walls

Flames of orange and blue dancing in your eyes

Red blazing your skin and forming a silhouette

I ...

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In a warehouse, in a cage a child sits

In bits

Clinging to her only comfort a blanket of foil

And whilst we all recoil

at the horror on display

Theresa May declares although it’s not ok

 She will wait and chat in her special friend’s ear....  only when he is here  

Whilst umbilical cords of family ties

Are severed bleeding out amid cries ..............................

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The Shooter

The Shooter


Must be quite a kick, that feeling

Walking the corridors with power,

Knowing you have that which others don’t

Holding it close, nestling, kneeling

Taking aim as others cower

Doing that which others won’t

Taking life, paying back, being

For once the number one,

The big man, standing proud and tall

The one who sends the toughest fleeing.

Alone, just ...

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All Wrong


looking at things i wonder what went wrong

coz i am singing my saddest song

with no where to go

not even against the flow.

cant hold still coz my blood boils

and my mind recoils

my anger at the tip of my nose

coz of that i am writing my prose.

with no one to turn to

i am evaporating like mountain dew

thoughts running through my head

while i lay on my bed.


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Short bursts of emotions

Lines I wrote while very upset:


Im worthless to you and rich to everyone else. Why?


Can you hear me screaming? My lungs are bleeding. 


I’m not even in the water but I’m drowning. 


We’re going no where. Ever. It’s a standstill. 


Why do I keep trying? 


You got got me fucked up. I know my worth but apparently you don’t. Are you fucking stupid?



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Flaming Agony


Burning in flames,

The dailys and weeklys

With the cries of the innocents,

The tellys simulcasting the stamped extremities,

Of a soul, we call Women.

Crushed beneath the savage desires of the lousy men.


A girl, who once aimed of the skies,

How could have she known,

 Jeopardy awaited on her way back home.

That she’ll be served as a bait to the lust,


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Spiteful out of envy

I am going to do something completely out of spite

i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right

It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous

this certian urge causes me to become rebellious

I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry

as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry

I apologise in advanced for this 

You'll find out some day 


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Sometimes my minds a cage 

To a beast who cant be tamed       


These feelings to familar 

I over came the pain 

just to let you in 


for a time I let you fuel me 

im afraid that youve consumed me 





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Anger Issues

I want to criticize you

for acting this way.

The anger,

the gritted teeth,

the clenched fists,

the same apology afterwards.

I want to yell at you

for being this way

until I realize 

I am the same as you

because you created me.

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