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asylum (Remove filter)

It’s Christmas in the Asylum (belated version)

This poem is based on a story which appeared over Christmas, and which was taken to be true!

AWOL = absent without leave


The Christmas gammon have gone spitting mad,

they think asylum seekers are going AWOL

for Christmas: yes here in the UK it’s that bad,

with nothing around here but strife and trouble,

that’s why those “foreigners” want to go home!

Gee Beebie News are ha...

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Aegean Overspill .....2015

Aegean  Overspill........

Written in September 2015 when the mass exodus of refugees from war zones began.

Seems apt to re-visit looking at current events on the shores of the English Channel.


Crescent starred Gendarmerie manhunt, confront

overblown cover blown shyster sharks

frenzy-feed in back alley Bodrum,

fleecing Damascus dads of ventured shekels,

a one-way lilo lott...

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Liberating the mind before the land

From formative years
To adulthood serfs-baited
Servants ill-treated
From their means
Of existence alienated,
It is with hatred
From- serfdom- of- every-kind
-the- newly -unshackled heads'

Though their much-lamented land
Has come back to their hand
Tardy,their mind proves not free,
That is why they engage
In a killing spree!
Worse still death to all, allies

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