The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

brutality (Remove filter)

Unyielding Heroes

Today, three years ago, Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine, shattering peace and unleashing a wave of destruction. Towns were levelled, lives torn apart, and a nation thrust into an endless struggle for survival. Despite the relentless violence, Ukraine remains unyielding, its people refusing to surrender. The world has watched as the cost in blood and suffering continues to rise, and ...

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Ukrainewarresistanceresiliencedestructionfreedomsacrificelossdefiancesurvivaltragedystrengthsovereigntyunyieldingwar crimesresistance spiritbrutalityhopewar anniversarycouragesuffering

Aegean Overspill .....2015

Aegean  Overspill........

Written in September 2015 when the mass exodus of refugees from war zones began.

Seems apt to re-visit looking at current events on the shores of the English Channel.


Crescent starred Gendarmerie manhunt, confront

overblown cover blown shyster sharks

frenzy-feed in back alley Bodrum,

fleecing Damascus dads of ventured shekels,

a one-way lilo lott...

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Liberating the mind before the land

From formative years
To adulthood serfs-baited
Servants ill-treated
From their means
Of existence alienated,
It is with hatred
From- serfdom- of- every-kind
-the- newly -unshackled heads'

Though their much-lamented land
Has come back to their hand
Tardy,their mind proves not free,
That is why they engage
In a killing spree!
Worse still death to all, allies

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