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charade (Remove filter)

In The Foyer Of Hotel Lonely

Being lonely is so wearing

Eyes averted fingers drum

Lasering of furtive glances

Pain of self-conscious hum


Repressed passion lashes

Barricades vast but hidden

Terror of getting through

Fears that come unbidden


Desire versus inhibition

Self-image sorely racked

By corroded self-esteem

Egos that failure hacked


Behaviours only reinforce


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charadehotel lonelyinhibitionpassionself-esteemself-loathing



Evident charade in milieu

each with made up guise


In world of make believe

full of social compromise


Realism often shrouded

on face of false pretense


Sensitivity paid no heed to

justifying fake defense


Apparent picture painted

with every hue gone awry


From projected on surface

 actuality remains a far cry







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