The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

delusion (Remove filter)

King Don The Delusional

In another recent display of self-aggrandizement, Donald Trump proclaimed himself "king" after his administration intervened to halt New York City's congestion pricing plan—a measure designed to fund the city's aging transit system. Following this action, Trump took to social media, posting "CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD" and declaring "LONG LIVE THE KING," accompanied by an AI-generated image o...

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Trumparrogancedelusionself-coronationking fantasypolitical satireGOPdictatorship dreamsAmerican history irony

Doom scrolling

Doom Scrolling


At dawn of morning,

Alarm gives a warning,

“The day is starting”

Sleep deficient dreams clearing,

After a set of washing,

I start scrolling.

While eating, I scroll;

To make bland

 food ,spicy 

And a spicy one

 as bread.

While in crowds,

I scroll and surf

Through net;

As I ignore them all-set.

In alone I scroll,

To make the mayh...

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phonesocial mediatrapped in addictiondelusionnumbing senses

The Cost Of Your Hand

I awake on a bed of roses, 

Whose petals crunch like orphaned autumn leaves.

A ray of sunlight towards me approaches,

Dancing in the light are muddy speckles aplenty.


​I can feel the air around me toy with my locks,

Which is as feeble as your grasp on my hand.

But I hold on

To you, this very second, this very moment.


The mere sight of you sugarcoats my disill...

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Away from the crowd and rays of the sun
are the moments I cherish the most,
It is when, your wisdom
outbreaks from the dam of your lips,
which usually gurgles teases, jokes and laughter
(not intended for me, of course not)

you voice your
dreams and aspirations
painting a rainbow
on the dark night's sky,
and somewhere else aswell...

as well as your insecurities
in a sober expression...

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It cuts deep within,
Its' touch gentle and soft.
It barks and howls,
Its' voice lovely and calm.

Its' thoughts are demeaning,
Its' love unconditional.
Its' presence a weight,
Pride churned in the ridicule.

It beats you to your knees,
But your kneecaps don't agree. 
You stand on your feet,
While the blades stab in deep.

The scars show malformity,
Yet the face shows ever delight.

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