The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

earthy (Remove filter)

Skin and Bones

Dust to dust

ashes to ashes will shall all return

with our regrets,

sins and wins erased from mother nature

our spirits effervesce into carbonĀ 

but fear not as energy cannot be destroyed only transferred

our lives once lived tangibly in a conrete jungle

has now been washed away with a faint petrichor lingering in the air!

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mother natureearthyspiritscarbonAshesenergy


My studies have given me a legacy of interest in many and wide-ranging social, moral and ethical fields and concerns, as well as the politics of power. This piece is a manifestation of that legacy.


"The world is splitting open at my feet like a ripe, juicy watermelon." Sylvia Plath.

On her gravestone: ā€œEven amidst fierce flames, the golden lotus can be planted.ā€ Wu Ch'Eng-En.



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