The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

entitlement (Remove filter)

Habit Forming

You cannot change the way a person thinks, feels, or does

If it’s been the same throughout their lives

Without any disruptions or interruptions

From those in their surroundings

It's impossible to inspire change in those who feel

Entitled, empowered, or those who are enthralled in their ego

Or the ones that don't feel enlightened

By the magnitude of an end result

You cannot ...

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Gen Zzz

I wonder how this generation, 
fresh out of school, 
is going to make it in the work world. 

There are exceptions of course, 
but most are selfish sloths. 

They have been coddled,  
argue Google makes them brighter, 
than professionals with a lifetime of experience.

Their attention span is shorter than an egg timer. 
You have to repeat instructions to them. 

Chained to their poin...

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attitudecastawayentitlementgeneration Zmentorpatiencerelationshipsyouth

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