The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

existential crisis (Remove filter)

Alexa, Give Me a New Life!

Alexa, dear, my lifeless friend, Find me joy—before the end! Scan the web, rewrite my fate, Find me friends, I’ll compensate. At work, I toil like some old bot, The boss says “fix it,” I say “what?” Colleagues grin, they steal my lunch, Alexa, purge this wretched bunch! My love life? Ha! A tragic tale, Last date ran—she looked so pale. “You’re funny,” she said, “but sad.” Alexa, ...

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humourAlexatechnologyworklife strugglesexistential crisismodern lifeaginghopelessnessself-help gone wrong

Pacing with present without tense

O what a world we have,

Or the world which have


Sent some 

total population to grave;

How naive 

Was I,

 not to understand, 

It was all a lie;

Said by 

The absolute victor,

After his victory was nearby. 


We have shortcomings,

And stories that are saddening.

But it never was a reason,

To stop marching;

As if it was a treason.

What if 


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acceptancemove-oncatching-upphobiaExistential crisis

fingers on the paper (here, a long poem will die)

i got you wrong just like a half-existing woman, you scared the evening, istanbul was ratting that time (whatever it is) "so wittgenstein said..." you had fingers. they're tiny cigarettes. ...

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existential crisisloveabsurdpostmodernArcadiancity

Who Am I?

A storm trapped in a rain drop

Hurricane wrapped in a wave

Hundred mile winds twisting within a breeze

Devastating quakes in every stone

Dirt speckled snow blanketed over bones

A forest of memories behind a cosmic window

Ash curls out into nebulous tendrils of purple and blue

A ghost of an echo

No longer able to self recognize

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who am iwhat am iexistenceexistexistential crisisidentity lossmental illnessdissociatingdissociation

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