hopelessness (Remove filter)
Alexa, Give Me a New Life!
Saturday 1st March 2025 10:53 am
The Loss
Every loss is felt
Just as a ripple is spelt in water
Ever decreasing, calming asunder
A clock ticks in a house even emptier than before
The dark lingers in a hall still and sure
The cat rules now
Wondering why and how
Water weeps from a pungent wound
Never to be cleaned but to neglect and fester
Such a thought no beautiful sight could hinder
Leaving the los...
Monday 8th April 2024 3:25 pm
River's End
Some nights, I can't sleep
so, I go out walking
following the river
in my discomfort and anxiety
All too aware
of where we're heading
winding towards that war
no one can win
I pass bonfires of guitars
funeral pyres of pianos
strings all snapped
Art must be rationed out, now
There's a faded memory of a song
from long ago
that hopeless refrain, lilts
'these are our final days'
Monday 16th January 2023 3:12 pm
Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
Why did you give me a flower so beautiful,
then make me watch its petals fall?
Why did you gift me a single seedling,
but forbid me from watering it?
Why did you lead me to the purest of water,
yet poison it with your toxins?
You chuckle to youself
as I try to overcome it,
overpower it,
out determine it,
all the while knowing
deep within the ...
Friday 16th September 2022 4:15 am
The Devil
Can no one fall from the frown of the circle
tree trunk heavy from past trust tithes
Deep blue eels that run under the skin
ready to cut, taking fronds of blood
Chant for triggers, for lapses, for minds
finish my turn when he's had enough.
Clothed fringed with moments of madness,
as we claw at their pig skin seams
Tear the etiquette away as we fall.
The beast corner...
Sunday 4th September 2022 4:59 pm
The Great Devour
[ ] The stress burns the brain with great fire.
[ ] The mind shrinks; the body tires.
[ ] The vivid image is no longer the building of & empire.
[ ] The tension crumbles the goals that were once desired.
[ ] For the stars they once looked upon to aim higher.
[ ] But the ground 6 feet deep they now desire.
[ ] For the pain hurts & there is no denial.
[ ] R...
Tuesday 16th February 2021 8:09 pm
Hold me while I fall apart
the little things I say as we sit by the waterside
my memories start to slip away like the waves up on the bay
what is he who comes to my side?
all the bad things start to fade away
take it away I say as he holds my hands
broken dreams, making plans
hold me I’m falling apart
this feeling surely cannot last by the waterside
Saturday 9th March 2019 2:40 am
My Mum's Lover
A house,
a staircase
it was an accident
you hit me
with your words
it's my home I say
but you don’t care
you have come in
soon you will leave
but not me, her
I find my bedroom
solace and silence
the smallness of me
you have come again
I do not want you
you are not mine, hers
you smother me,
press me into bedsheets
you smell of bull swe...
Saturday 19th January 2019 12:18 pm
When I wonder what's wrong
When I think whats going on
A Voice said 'this is what you did
Not much love exists to feed.
Tides will not change the future
Might just believe it, forever
Believed that the eyes I see
Truth in them will set me free.
Taking a huge dose of the drug
Never know what's beneath the rug
Chemical changes inside me
They will not let me be.
Let me be the free bird fl...
Sunday 15th July 2018 6:18 pm
Best Friend
The phone call was somewhere between 2 am to 3am,
His voice was shaky and full of sorrow as he told me my best friend was taken from this Earth.
Drug overdoses are never easy to cope with, considering you never know someone’s true intentions as to why or how it happened.
It was all too much in such a small amount of time.
It felt as though while you were speaking, my heart of th...
Sunday 24th June 2018 6:51 pm
To The Addicts Of The World
To The Addicts Of The World
Cunning baffling and powerful are the words used to describe,
The truth of what addiction is, it will take your life with a knife.
Everything you thought you were becomes lost,
All that you cherish and love, gone at what cost?
Millions of people struggle everyday and it's truly tough,
Knowing that one is too many and a thousand never enough.
Pot, heroin, me...
Monday 27th February 2017 9:50 am
Salvage the Unsalvageable
To salvage the unsalvageable, you must first believe you can
For it's something that will deteriorate beneath a trembling hand.
You must fight, lie, cheat, steal, plead for a second chance
But you must also know that the first is undoubtedly your last glance.
You can clutch and grab all that you can but come the beginning of the night,
What you say will be okay will never be alright...
Sunday 29th March 2015 6:11 pm
Nothing Pure, Unbroken lasts
Nothing pure, unbroken lasts,
The world changes innocence,
It's best to disregard the past.
We're fated to don the cynic's mask
In spite of life's condolences,
Nothing pure, unbroken lasts,
Despite our ill-reaching grasp,
Or self-preserving countenance,
It's best to disregard the past.
The body decomposes fast,
we lose our precious permanence,
Wednesday 28th January 2015 4:39 am
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