Devil (Remove filter)
The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Is making the world believe he doesn’t exist
I don’t know why but I don’t agree
Let me explain I have an idea you see
Conspiracy theories is fuel for his flames
Brexit, traffic jams and gossip entertain…
His hoards and minions cheer and go wild
All waiting for the day that Johnson’s defiled
With a rod up his buttocks fo...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 9:20 pm
The Devil
Can no one fall from the frown of the circle
tree trunk heavy from past trust tithes
Deep blue eels that run under the skin
ready to cut, taking fronds of blood
Chant for triggers, for lapses, for minds
finish my turn when he's had enough.
Clothed fringed with moments of madness,
as we claw at their pig skin seams
Tear the etiquette away as we fall.
The beast corner...
Sunday 4th September 2022 4:59 pm
New Arrival...
He thought the large clock on the wall
may well have been an antique
Perhaps, from an old railway station
It equally could have been a replica
Bought at The Range, or online, of course
The arms frozen at 2.22
Today? Yesterday?
The rest of the kitchen was impeccable
Clean as a whistle (a railway attendant's perhaps?)
The old glazed porcelain sink:
Saturday 27th August 2022 1:08 pm
in rivers of right they spawn
eggs already torn and bent
that grow deprived of dawn
to salve and heal their rent
and battered by a rusty flail
to a state not unlike trance
a polka spinning them pale
to a hapless agony of dance
chalking symbols onto slate
a scratch makes evil mute,
silent observances of hate
doomed flora lacking root
sometimes they...
Friday 11th June 2021 2:49 pm
no hairy lip has she or wrinkle
a far cry from ancient crones
her skin as smooth as marble
sweet melodies in her moans
black cats are always a clue
in the house hers does roam
its carbon eyes following me
at its muzzle flecks of foam
waking last night in terror
to the Devil she's chanting
buck naked and sweating
my blood she's decanting
her eyes h...
Saturday 9th January 2021 10:59 am
Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.
I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.
I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...
Monday 16th November 2020 12:57 pm
I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be
I sliced the sun into two
And looted shimmering bars of gold
Which lined her womb,
Her beloved broods I stole.
I plucked the sturdiest mountains,
The choicest adornments on the face of the globe.
All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained,
Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.
I remember the sea that like Moses I parted
And the ocean floor ...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 2:03 pm
He knocked at the door
Shouting ‘let me in!’
Tempting us to go out
With his whisky and gin
He hid around corners
Under tables and chairs
Trying his best
To catch us unawares
He was sitting on benches
Where others had sat
He was on garden fences
Where we’d stop for a chat
He was hanging around
Tesco trolly parks
He was all over door han...
Sunday 29th March 2020 11:31 pm
Prince of Darkness
You try to trick
You try to play
But I told you
I won't let you stay.
In my head
You've made a home
Constantly screaming and
Finding space to roam.
Playing on repeat
Every reel I cannot stand
Scenes of trauma, the
Torture of your own brand.
I said go away
Told you I'll break,
It only gets worse
When I lie awake.
So I'll take your tools
And take away your space.
Ending it ...
Wednesday 9th October 2019 9:33 pm
Gilded Cage
Time after time
I give you another chance
to prove you still care.
You respond with
the venomous bite
of a rattlesnake.
How much more
poison can I take
before I am consumed
by the same dark spirit
that possesses you?
I know I should run
far away
but I have convinced myself
of the old cliche...
better the devil you know
than the devil you don't.
I know what to ex...
Saturday 23rd March 2019 1:44 am
The Devil
His touch is revolting,
hot. agressive. forced.
His breath rancid,
moist. surrounding. tainted.
His saliva was acidic,
impure. contaminated. corrosive.
I push away,
but I am overruled.
My skin is burning off at his every touch.
I shake
as my flesh melts off my skeleton.
Looking down at myself,
I see a shell of who I once was.
I peer into his dark,
empty e...
Monday 4th June 2018 11:03 pm
I'm sitting in purgatory
A deserving end
To my shitty story
You think you know who I am
But you don't know what I've done
Some call me the devil
Some call me his forgotten son
I'll take your heart at the start
And say you have mine
Once you realize I'm empty
I'll leave you all alone, crying
I've done a thing or two
That I can't say I regret
I'll dig into your memories
Make it i...
Wednesday 31st January 2018 2:23 pm
The Devil Don't Own Me
The Devil Don’t Own Me
He may have saluted the corrupted cross
In Hitler’s Germany,
or whispered to Judas Iscariot,
hanging from a tree,
he could have pulled the trigger finger
back in nineteen sixty three,
he may own the soul of rock and roll
but the Devil don’t own me.
He may pollute the air we breath
or the raging, deep blue, sea.
He may breath on pola...
Monday 11th September 2017 1:28 pm
Broken mirror
good or bad
happy or sad
Take the pieces bury them
in the moonlight
Light seven candles
on the first night
That should take care of your plight
If you want to assure
you've found a good cure
Throw salt over your shoulder
then your situation will be secure
for that practice blinds the devil
behind your back
Friday 17th February 2017 2:02 am
Fruit In My Fist
Lips: like cliché cartoon roses.
Yes, red.
But open up my mouth,
Those lilies will - snap. - You. - Up.
Thorn in your side.
I think we used to fly with the bats,
The doves always ended up on our dinner table,
I told you it was chicken.
You choked me with Amen,
You squeezed me with your hand for grace,
For grace, from grace I fell
Down from the heaven...
Tuesday 22nd March 2016 3:05 pm
Don't be a sheep in a goat's age
A sheep and a goat once
Got locked in a fracas
“Off you go!
Don't you know
You are an embodiment
For an idiot!
How dare you trample
On the leaf down
From the stem of an apple
That dangle
And which I was apt
To cut and eat.
I really hate
A sheepish creature of your sort
With alacrity to a dictate
Going to an altar is whose fate
And that no offense on others inflict
Or none cont...
Wednesday 19th August 2015 7:20 am
Dockery Plantation Blues
Dockery Plantation Blues
In a Mississippi graveyard,
as the midnight hour crawls,
sits a young boy and his guitar
wailing tunes at the moon.
He prays his fingers faster
as they dance across the frets,
weeping at his inability
to speak in tongues from the strings.
He is lost in a fugue
of chaotic chords and strumming,
as the Delta Blues pour muddy,
like the churning brown river,
Thursday 26th March 2015 7:48 pm
The Crooked Beast At The End Of A Crooked Path
The Crooked Beast At The End Of A Crooked Path
I saw him rise like a dark spectre
in the clouds
at the end of a crooked path
his horned head cocked
spreading his cloven claws
astride the graves that nestled
safe beneath the trees
his wings unfurling
across the sky
and gathering in
the long dead souls
beneath the ground
and I thought
I heard the demon say
“I told you I would not fo...
Monday 18th August 2014 7:33 pm
Beware the shadow by the corner dark,
For there he waits for seven reasons sour,
His wicked tongue hath limitless remark,
Whilst therein seeking whom he may devour.
Be sober and be vigilant thy kin,
Thy adversary waits beneath the pyre,
Then walks about as proud as the lion,
To drag thy wayward souls towards the fire.
Thursday 25th July 2013 11:37 am
I Miss You
Hello there,
Angel from my nightmares.
Devil from my dreams
a grey spirit that weaves
its way through my existence.
What a Dementor does to souls
or a Dalek to a human heart.
Even a superhuman heart
can break.
Just ask Logan,
a force so strong
a returning phoenix
could not reignite remnants.
I miss you.
Whatever yo...
Tuesday 19th March 2013 10:50 pm
His dog craps in my garden
to the sound of metal rock.
His kids creep round my greenhouse
scrawling balls and giant cock.
His wife is bruised and beaten
all around the fucking clock.
His preferred weapon of choice
is to hurt and maim and shock.
Home from church on a Sunday,
he has a bonfire burning -
pitchforking rubber tyres
and dead meat that ...
Monday 25th February 2013 1:51 pm
C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,
we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling
with your body fat and intestines.
You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren
of your valour and heroism.
I want your blood to flow down the street,
turn it red, slippery like myself.
Wednesday 23rd November 2011 10:48 pm
A murky dust laden night gives way to a searing
hot day over the barren desert.
Sun glints off metal many miles away
as aerial knights rise to do battle.
The Tigersharks get ready to fight
the Eagles in the coming battle.
Suddenly it starts as missile trails
dance through the sky and jets
leave contrails in the humid upper air.
A ...
Sunday 16th October 2011 6:50 pm
C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,
we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling
with your body fat and intestines.
You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren
of your valour and heroism.
I want your blood to flow down the street,
turn it red, slippery like myself.
Tuesday 11th October 2011 2:25 pm
Dante’s angels have come for their souls,
they pounce on the unwary and the vulnerable.
No one is safe, for when you close your eyes
they will strike.
They show no mercy in their search for eternal youth,
it could be your soul or mine spirited away in
the night.
Angelica smiles from the moon,
she is all white and sensual but in a s...
Friday 26th August 2011 12:27 pm
Mendres Monologue
I'm playing Mendres, the identity of the devil and lead antagonist in an upcoming British film called Dark Domain.
I wrote this piece as a spoken word/metal fusion piece for the project.
Some say the pen is mightier than the sword,
But they all fear the might of my demonic horde.
I'm Mendres, I'm the devil incarnate,
I use the Dark Domain and I seal y...
Monday 25th April 2011 2:02 pm
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