The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)


Getting acquainted with the moon 
behind glass
we exchange so many glances
and on my back
a thousand heart-attacks roll past
My fingers beside, cross and uncross
as you sleep, so black
back in the real world
paid up entirely
on your subscription
to actual reality

O would you bring me a souvenir
from the envious depths of endless peace
perhaps a child or a patient nurse
or some cont...

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Written in anger and confusion

Should the feelings of guilt

outweigh those of resentment?

Is the fear of loneliness

worth more than fear of rage?

Is it wrong to long for simplicity

and abandon the search for contentment?

Is it right to write words of anger

on a blank, unforgiving page?


Is it wise to seek solace in poetry

when every act of writing

is seen as an act of selfishness

that can ne...

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Knock Knock

You and your trust issues

Me and mine

You have your fears

And your doubts

About me

And I have mine


But every time

We try to rationalize

And prove to each other

That the pieces don't fit

The sentences get left



Back and forth

Like whiplash

Seeing how far I'll go

Until I look back

Keeping me comfortable

At a distance



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Real Life Nightmare

Every moment to fear,

Forever holding back internal tears.

Life- so complicated,

forever indecisive.

The world too big, too scary,

my mind so full of queries.

Never certain, never happy,

each decision could be deadly.

An escapes impossible,

every outcomes implausible.

Sinking under water,

Always being taken for a martyr.

The pain runs so deep,

Barely able to ...

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anxietybattlecomplicateddangerdarkdeepdesperationdestructiondrowningemotional painemotiveescapefearFrom the hearthopeindecisiveinternal battlemental healthmental health issuesmindnightmarepoetrypoetry and mental healthsanitysinkingsubconsciouswar

Misplaced Memory

Minds mould cannot always bend to the will - Look!

A blur of surreal reality:

it’s vivid, a memory, a means 

but travel through years 

and maybe it’s a dream,

or the worst fear:

(for the youth with infantile stretch marks to hear)


For the youths with flat ironed flesh and barely dogmarked ears,

what we all fear

 is to forget.

Tell the boy with the newly ...

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Fear and Wonder

The headlights from the oncoming vehicle
held the stunned animals in their grasp
The beams like a claw clasping around its prey
An unholy ray screaming silently into the night
Distant, but penetrating.
Approaching still closer,
terror in their hearts,
the vehicle turned off the road

And transformed into a rainbow
Dazzling colours and many forms.
Behold a crystal,
the prism of light br...

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Percentage You

I wonder of 100,
How much of you I've seen,
I've seen your 2 or 10 percent,
As you have seen of me.

I wonder if you'll trust me,
With 10 percent more you,
Say 20 percent total,
Ill give the same to you.

I wonder if my percent me
would be safe with you,
No reassurance? Give it back!
Lets keep it back at 2.

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Full Circle

Full Circle 

It’s here again. Bring the tissues. Hide away the blades. Its coming

full force

Into our home, our hearts, our souls, here. It’s in                                                                          

My mothers eyes as she stares blankly, unblinking, it’s in

nanna’s shaky voice, breaking. ‘what were you thinking?’

Its carried in by broken promises, screams th...

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I have recently read
That pain is the hardest
Situation a human can
Try to explain.

If that’s so,
Is fear considered 
To be pain?

Does pain have to
Be a broken bone?
A head ache?
A tight chest?
A burn?

Is pain not
The anxiety of waiting
For everything to fit?
Is pain not
The force of trying 
to piece together 
two completely different
puzzles to become one? 

I can never...

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The morning dew is

on my shoes the birds

are chirping and singing

their tunes as the

morning sun brightens

up the sky with warm

crisper air that made

you take a deep breath

into your lungs waiting

to exhale 



I fear 


And as the birds goes

silent and the clouds

went a dark bluish gray

with the sun gone

behind t...

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Fearfictionfictional piecelifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetryTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories


I have many scars

You can’t see in the light

Behind my smile

Is a world of pain


Constant battle

With myself

Whether it’s worth it

To try anymore


‘Cause in the dark

I introduced you

To every part of me

Showed you everything


When the sun came up

The truth came out

And without a doubt

I’m unloveable


Should’ve known

Never should’ve...

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Fear and Worry

You want to let it go
then let her go
she has her life
and it is quite clearly without you
...........for the time being

Are you frightened of becoming
like your mother?
Hated by the daughter?
Never speaking or giving her the time of day?

Then, I wish you well my dear
Fear is your teacher
and worry your god

I fear for you
and worry for your future
as you do not yet know
what i...

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Singular point of hope

balancing in one dimension

drive the stake deep, swing without reservations

for this is the beginning



       added vector

sure footing eyes

to the horizon

averted from the abyss below

another point right planar

temptations of rest

loss of balance still precarious

point added placed correctly

a broad base of stability?


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fearmental healthProgressrecovery

Shy Guy

{Shy Guy}



He was a little bit of

a shy guy who seemed

to keep to himself

besides talking to a

few of his co-workers

where he worked at 



And as the neighbor

next door to him saw

him all the time he

reminded her of a

cute fuzzy bear that

played in stars wars

called ewok because

his cheeks was

roundish oval shaped

with a some hair ar...

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short poemTina Gloverwriting short storieswriting short poemswriting short poetrylifelovelivingfearwordy queenfictional characterfictional pieceshortrypoetrypoemOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover


Intense thick clouds obscuring vision,
Pre planned malice yet no thought given,
A mess of unplaced thoughts surround
Logic whispers but i wont listen

The calm that follows leaves air so thick
A lack of focus a clearing mist
A wind that blows me from where i came
And ignorance is mine again

Exhausting though this place may be
This clouded space is part of me
To leave i need a place of...

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