The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)


Flight fearlessly taken,

An escape from this reality.

Too scarred to face

The heights of idiocy,

The lows of idiocracy.

Facing up to a void.

Nothing to fear

Except fear itself.

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Dawn the rising glint of light

The background whoosh of an electric floatĀ 

The cheery clink of bottlesĀ 

Returning from where darkness rules

Empty of energy but full of joy

Stop now and find that view

View from a hill I know so well

Then natureā€™s volume slowly turned up

My breath easing into peace

Many such dawns to open my days

Find the spot, find the view, find the p...

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a mighty win

fear is the grandest of fear
fear is the grandest of a mighty winner
a winner is a mighty winner
a winner is a grandest winner
grand is grandest of fear
grand is grandest of a winner
a win is a mighty win

a win is a grand win
knowledge is power
knowledge is a grand power
knowledge is a mighty power
a win is within a win
a win is within fear
a win is within knowledge

a win is with...

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wwC7 Amelia Earhart 0514 (10/28/23)

like a dipped oakĀ 
an aegis of honey-wordsĀ 
folded in layersĀ 
carefully made gifts
(tho hastily wrapped)
best taken while still soft
still hot
like candied ginger pressed
Ā between lips parted in awe
in raptureĀ 

the steam of kitchens and
the drawing of breath
tumbling bedshapesĀ 
and knowableĀ 

like a waxen wood countertopĀ 
dangling incandescence

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daydreamnightdreami love youi really dofearskywardwarmthoil

what you fear is fear itself

what you fear is fear itself
what you fear is rain itself
what you fear is the rain of destruction
destruction rain down on destruction
fear rain down on fear
destiny come calling
destiny come calling on fear

destiny come calling on rain
fear come calling on fear
desire is worth a lionā€™s tail
desire is worth a lionā€™s fear
desire is worth a lionā€™s destiny
desire is worth a lionā€™s dest...

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Iā€™ve peeled off my skin for youĀ 

Iā€™ve let you crunch my bones,

Consume beyond my flesh

Beyond my visceral tissues

Beyond my beating heart

Beyond the fibres of my being

Down to my soul

Iā€™ve let you gobble up my spirit

Iā€™ve let you slurp up my mind

Lick the lasting crumbs

of my emotions

Everything in me

Everything making me, me

All that constructs me


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loveheartbreakpainrelationshipemotionvulnerabilityvulnerablegivingsacrificejumpconsumefearpowerinterdependentinterlocksmitteninfatuationin lovebegprayhopedread

The Legend of the Gawanjee

In the ancients days,
of the 1980ā€™s.

Stories flew
around the middle school.

About a beast in the woods,
called the Gawanjee.

It came from the Pit,
of an old coal mine.

It was part lizard-man,
and a part Bigfoot.

It slept in the warmth,
of an old gob pile.

And in the winter,
it could be seen frozen.

In the ice,
of the deep, dark lakes.

Kids would tell,
of being chas...

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