The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

freedom of speech (Remove filter)

The Price of Submission

This poem tries to explore the personal and societal consequences of living under a prospecitve dictatorship, where the truth is silenced, and freedom of the press is crushed. Through the fate of figures like Jim Acosta, the poem reflects on the heavy price of speaking out against tyranny and the loss of voice in a world where obedience reigns. A stark warning of what happens when dissent is erase...

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dictatorshipfreedom of the pressdissentAcostacensorshiptyrannysilencelossresistanceoppressionmedia manipulationfreedom of speechauthoritarianismtruth

The Censors' Gag!

In a world where words are measured, thoughts confined,

Where humour dares not tread on toes aligned,

We walk on eggshells, fearful, self-contained,

As though our speech itself was preordained.


Gone are the days when satire cut like steel,

When jest could probe and challenge what we feel.

Now cancel culture prowls with sharpened teeth,

Condemning those who wander far bene...

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woke culturefreedom of speechcensorshipsocial justice warriors

Jack's Story

First they came for freedom of speech, but I did not speak out

Because my sources told me what I wanted to hear, 


Then they came for the Poor, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not poor, 


Then they came for the Trade Unionists, but I did not speak out 

Because I was not a Trade Unionist, 


Then they came for the Socialists, but I did not speak out 


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freedom of speechthe poortrade unionistssocialistsrefugeesPalestiniansJewsmental health servicesFire ServiceAmbulance ServicePolice ServiceNHSCancer

Your Way Will Find You

I will defend your right
to say things that I don’t like
and though I may disagree
it doesn’t mean that I detest you
I’ll try my best to understand
how you reached that point of view

However uneasy listening
don’t bite your tongue
Let us see and hear you
come and speak freely
You may offend me
but then I’ll know we’re not in tune

Perhaps we’ll both learn something
if but how to be...

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debatefreedom of speechkindnesslearning

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