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fucking (Remove filter)

soft; Amelia Earhardt 0837 (11/12/2023)

lain in, thinking about 

the soft roll of hair and 
gentle exhales and 
soft, pressing folds 
filled with tiny collapsing sounds
sighs, held on high
near imperceptible if not uttered 
and deep down 
and deep down
and deep down 
like the brush
of my bones
where all the gaps between could disappear 
where we don't need to know where one begins
or the other ends

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Harsh fireflies.

Sitting here 

in the dark. 

Smoking poison, 

While soaking up the night sky like lotion. 

Stars shine bright, 

like little fireflies dancing in a summer breeze. 


I wish upon upon the biggest star, 

while there’s a breeze between my shaking knees. 

I bow my head and begin to weep  


I fucked another one, 

a lifeless soul. 


Rubbing their flesh against m...

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Fuck upcloudymindsorrowhatefuckinghatredselfworth

howl steppin (09/11/2016)

'you never write me back in the cold and sober howling winds of daylight, where you're in danger of being seen. you never write me when your form cannot bleed into the formless, rooting in, burrowed deep into the ground, wrapping ahold of me tight, feeling rather than seeing -- much unlike this stark and starchy daylight living. You only write when we re both tasting death by the precarious and cu...

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Lay me down on the cold grey stone

and grasp my love to feel less alone

my leaden soul brittles, splinters then breaks

beneath the weight of your heart that aches


Fuck amongst death and in its' place

we create a new life within this space

time does not stop, fused blood will run

to drip on the clouds of setting sun


Katy Hughes 2012

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