The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

governance (Remove filter)

Lord, Lord, how this world is given to lying!

Falstaff: 'Henry IV, Part 1' act 5, sc. 4


There is a man

Who would be a king. This is such stuff

As past dreams would make his many morrows

That he, Princeling, may strut upon life's stage

As one with pride.


Yet this is a man

Who must know a past. That is the stage

As present nightmare on which he played so sad a part

That he, Pretender, needs now attend our co...

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BrexittrustgovernanceliesConservativesparty leaderPrime Ministers

And so this is eX Ministerial Accord Season

Can it possibly be true

How the twelve months flew

Really twenty-four have passed

In terror of being outcast

Since that dire vote to leave

The parties it seems must all deceive

Mindless of the real cost

All thoughts of governance long lost

So the lady May survive

Gainst all that ministers contrive

Regardless of the pundits' sense

Ever blind to the expense

Ever d...

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They come together

                in this place outside

yet at the centre of our world.

We have asked of them

                our destiny

Have demanded nothing of them

                except our future.

Who are these gods in whom we place our trust?

Who are these gods that we have selected?

                These are the senate that we once elected:

The senators that ...

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            ‘D’ MOCK CRASS Y?    AND THE RULE OF LAW   


Oh Citadel of Westminster, look down on your creation:

millions of damned and blighted lives – the remnants of a nation.

Yes, you forgot that power corrupts, and honed your fell foul skills

till power, close to absolute, finds England wracked with ills.

Now this Quixote – errant knight – tilts at your spinning members


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