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Graham Sherwood on Giant Blue Star
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Stephen Gospage on Renew
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Reggie's Ghost on Giant Blue Star
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Graham Sherwood on Never
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TobaniNataiella on Magic Three Words
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raypool on HUNTER'S MOON
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Tom Doolan on October Rain
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Red Brick Keshner on This All Dies
23 hours ago

Ballad of the Lovestruck Bricklayer

When I look at you, I see a future,
a place where our hearts meet, and
each day is a new chance to begin,
building dreams, brick by brick.

We start with the foundations of desire
and the plans for our love sketched in the stars...
Each word and each touch is a piece of a puzzle,
forming a home where love can blossom.

Life may be an unfinished building,
but with you, the construction n...

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Kiss Me

Kiss me
  in the strawberry fields 
  of your mind.

Kiss me
  in rhythm 
  and rhyme.

Kiss me 
  until darkness 
  becomes sunshine.

Kiss me
  from pain
  to pleasure divine.

Kiss me
  through sands 
  of time.

Kiss me
  beyond death
  to life sublime.

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The Deepest Caverns Are In The Heart

Some descend far under the sea

Others abseil down underground

But its inside part of each of us

The deepest of caverns are found


The deepest caverns are in the heart

Mysterious and echoing and ever dank

Grottos where dreams wither and die

Where a million loves dried and shrank


Love is deeper than anyone can go

There's no bottom to that chasm

Its a death zone...

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A Life in a Kiss.

 Life in a Kiss.


Sugar-sweet kisses on a bald baby’s crown,

all-comers love you raising dull frowns,

cheek peck kiss... hello my mum,

spit out that dodo, cuddles from gran,

a lift to school in dad’s meat van.

Ta-ra son... his coat smells of lamb,

won’t be a butcher, an also ran.

Bike shed babes’ promises

two-timed in two- tone

a huge let down.

Lend an ear to M...

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lovedeathkisslife's reflection

Sins Of The Fathers

In those eyes, tears do brim

All a-quiver are your lips

I've done wrong again

The latest of many slips


I rack my brains for reasons

Did I omit my morning kiss?

Or fail to hail your daily bloom?

What critical need did I miss?


As the baby's due next month

I'm watching my p's and q's

Skating on thin eggshells

Pandering to your mute clues


Then it dawn...

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sine of the fatherstearseyeslipsbrainskissclues


A billion light years away from now

Seems to be our last mutual smile

A billion more miles away

Is were we could stay

In a kiss 

So missed

For which I pray

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The Final Kiss

The final kiss

Of a love that won’t be

The final kiss

Of a love that can’t be

The pain of knowing, we’re at the end

The pain of knowing, it had to end

But, the love's still there

Still pouring through 

A long slow kiss to the very end

Eyes locked close, as we slowly part

Hearts jumping as we gasp apart

I will always love you, we together say

Not knowing what tha...

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I touch your cheek,

I'm surprised, it's cold.

I reach for your hand

for I need it to hold.


I look upon your face

that beamed and sparkled

as we loved and laughed,

wrestled and tickled.


Your face is so pallid,

the sparkle is gone,

no more to smile

at the hot summer sun.


Your hair neatly tended,

you lie there so still

as I try, with memories,


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On my lips

I want pressed

The lips of another

misunderstood creature


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Promise Me

When my hands begin to tremble

You’ll place your hand in mine

When my eyes become hollow

That you’ll gaze into them

When I’m at a loss for words

You’ll kiss me so the silence

Can speak for the both of us.

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They were young
and cowering in an alley,
fearful for the future,
as sirens screeched
around them.

The sky a molten white
of churning clouds.

Everyone running,
colliding, jostling,
trying to be anywhere
but here.

She turned to him
with moist eyes
and lips the colour
of arterial blood.

When he tilted
her chin upwards
her gaze never left
the yellowing smoke

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end of daysevictionkisslove storymankindnuclear blastrichpixsci-fi

The Sparkle

The Sparkle


The Sparkle,

silver starlight in your eyes,

a soft touch

before we say goodbye.

It’s over too fast,

I hope this feeling will last

until the morning


The Sparkle

of teardrops on your cheek.

All my tears,

the happiness I seek

was over so fast,

I hope this pain won’t last

until the morning


The Sparkle,


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The Kiss

the kiss shouted passionately
you anguished tenderly
we kissed a placid mouth late
a desire loved us
the flower cuddled the languishing kiss slowly
she anguished desperately
a breeze anguished
the nice kiss anguished
a misery danced for you
the stormy love shouted tenderly

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My tender kiss

How tender is my love to you,

my dearest, my darling!

I watch you in the round dance

And love to see you smiling.

Don't run away, my dearest one!

Why should we fight again?

I'll catch you gently by the arm

And get my kiss. And then.....

I wouldn't like you to complain.

So, I'll give you another tender kiss

For you to remember me and miss.


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"… not the only fruit" and "three kisses"

Some poets dream of metre and scheme, of sonnets and couplets that scan,

But there’s one little word, though it seems quite absurd, that exposes the flaw in their plan.

There’s an amber skinned fruit that has been at the root of the nation’s poetic malaise,

This everyday citrus can find poets witless as they stare at a blank page for days.

If one pairs clementine with lemon and lime repetition...

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humourkisscitrus fruitrhyme

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