The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Even if it’s me

Even if it’s me
The cause and effect
Of this love that burns endlessly
And in the end, dissolves within me

Even if it’s me
The shadow that waits for you
In the randomness of late hours
On empty streets where memory falls

It doesn’t matter what they say
Or what they think of us
What is love if not the pain
That inhabits what makes us alone?

Even if it’s me
The one who gets lost,

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To write a couple of lines I am inclined,

About a cat, sat on my front-door mat,

That was or was not, victim of a crime.

There in a box it sat, and that was that!

Or so I thought; then wrote a few more lines.

That’s not my cat, it is Herr Schrödinger's!

Is it quite dead, or is it doing fine?

Are Cheshire cats renowned malingerers?

Your answers to my questions I invite;


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crimeSchrodinger's catfallacytu quoquelogicdemagoguery

The Gipsy Clouds

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
My sweetheart who left me before a year
Today was very near
I saw her when I was drunk
In my cup
And also in my fear
I wished to tell her about the muddy way
Over there, at the crazy row of thoughts
Inside the dream of the sea
That got bored of futile boats
I tried to call her
But she couldn't hear
And the life reared to me i...

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cloudsclouds and weatherfor ways to not fall in lovelove poetrylogicgipcybeautyHer-Storyafter hermy life and herspoetrypassion

Answer My Question, Please!


Elsa and Joan were truthful girls,

But just for fun they lied only once, 

On the day of their birth.

On the 6th of April someone asked :

When is your birthday?

Elsa used to say: It was yesterday.

Joan used to say:  It will be tomorrow.

I will meet my dearest fellow.

The next day they were asked the same question.

And…the answer was just the same.

I ...

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growing Up well

My life is not an open book
for just anyone to read
yet my life has no secrets
that cannot be revealed.

some people revel in revelation
Some like to gossip a lot
some like to know secrets
Thinking it puts them on top.

Truth is the more you know
the less able you are to discern
So busy gathering secrets
you forget to learn

that Life is its own revelation
We sho...

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loverevelationlogicmy lifelifesecrecysecrets

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