The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

looking for love (Remove filter)


How do you know when someone's nice?
I mean how do you know that they really like you?
Can you be sure from what they are saying
That it's not just a role in a game they are playing?
I mean, can you have faith that they aren't just displaying
False affection?

How do you know when someone's right?
I mean how do you know that there's no-one nicer?
There's surely a chance that you could be ...

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challengelooking for lovelove's tempestriskshelter from the stormstar crossed love



I long to tell you all my dreams
And hear yours in return
Oblivious to the world outside
As we surround ourselves with words

I long hear your lilting voice
As you whisper words of loveĀ 
Captured in this momentĀ 
In which there is nothing else

I long to kiss you goodnight
And run my fingers through your hair
To watch your eyelids close
Eyelashes soft against your cheek


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longinglooking for love

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