The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

lost souls (Remove filter)

Beneath Mount Fuji’s Weeping Pines

Beneath Mount Fuji’s Weeping Pines explores the haunting beauty and silent sorrow of Aokigahara, the infamous Suicide Forest. At the foot of Japan’s iconic mountain, this poem uncovers the tragic, quiet tales hidden among the dense trees. With reverence for both life and death, it tries to paint a picture of a place where the natural world and human despair converge, and where the forest itself ho...

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Suicide ForestAokigaharamental health awarenessnature and losspoetry of sorrowJapanese loresilent despairlost souls

Shine On

Don't ever let anyone convince you 
to not share your soul songs. 

The weaponized words 
they hurl towards you, 
are formed from 
their own insecurities. 

You get one shot, 
in this time and space, 
accompanied by 
crabs in a bucket, 
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control 
your creative mind. 

Give in to dark energy,
and you become it. 

Rise above it. 

By sha...

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Abyssdarknessdepressionlifelightlost soulslovemusicpassionpeacepoetryrelationships

Tree Man

Tree Man


In this place of the weird and bizarre

It was just one of those nights

Nothing out of the ordinary

In the garden of earthly delights

A place full of demons and monsters

A collection of unworldly sights

My rotting roots implanted in hell

Where nightmare and horror alights


The bagpipes fucked with my head

They almost drove me insane

Humans and demo...

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napowrimo20202day 6garden of erthly delightshieronymous boschlost soulshelltree man

Echoes of Life

What are the chances 

of two lost souls 

light-years apart

colliding twice in life?

Astronomical. Yes!

The dance is sweeter, 

with ego out of the way. 

All that remains is love

purified by the same rock-bottom

pressure that turns grains of sand into

pearls, coal into diamonds. 

Not lustful love, agape. 

Godly, unconditional love for humanity. 

Forgiving. Acce...

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agapedestinyfateforgivenessgodlifetimelost soulslovenamastepeaceself-lovetwin flames

Standing in the crowd

Staring at the billboard…
I feel so important to you

Staring at the shop window 
I am tempted to believe…
If I empty my pockets I will forget about you

Sitting on the sofa 
Watching the adverts of pristine lives…
Each and everyone 
Not a care in the world 
Joyous at the insurance policy
Or furniture that just perfectly fits in

Lying down 
Just prior to nails being hammered in…

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shoppinglost souls

Lost entity pt 1

Lost in the world

the ways of the world are much better

much more fun,

Whats life without fun?

They dont know how wild you are

They dont see past the innocent smile.

You was lost

and beat up,

You were too wild

but you never hesitated to follow your desires,

you divided your soul from your spirit

and you could differtiate your mind from your conscience.

I can see...

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poetrydeepthoughtslost souls

Two Lost Souls

Two lost souls in the darkness
Guided by the faintest of light
Though the world casts its shadows
They kept their dreams alive.   People stop and judge them
For what I just don't know
But they keep travelling on
Though they've got no place to go.   Love brought them together
Pain has torn them apart
Just two lost souls in the darkness
Joined together through a broken heart. ...

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LoveBroken HeartLost Souls

The Crooked Beast At The End Of A Crooked Path

The Crooked Beast At The End Of A Crooked Path

I saw him rise like a dark spectre
in the clouds
at the end of a crooked path
his horned head cocked
spreading his cloven claws
astride the graves that nestled
safe beneath the trees
his wings unfurling
across the sky
and gathering in
the long dead souls
beneath the ground
and I thought
I heard the demon say
“I told you I would not fo...

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crooked pathdevilgraveyardlost soulsprayerthe beastrichpix




She smiles so seductively and cunningly, waiting to strike.

If you dare upset her you do so at your peril as she will use her

power against you without warning.

She sees everything that we all do and all we can hope to achieve.

Even your deepest thoughts and emotions are hers at one sudden glance.

If you are lucky she will take your soul while you sleep.


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lost soulsmoon goddessdark womanhorror

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