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A bird, mountain and sky

It's a beauty to see a bird bouncing from the fields
to take a flight with its mighty wings... 

One of them can fly just over the mountain, 
and hastily come back to its hollow nest... 

The other one has the power to kiss the sky, 
and fetch the pearls of heaven... 

Their King let's the former to exploit its mightiest might, 
and the latter is left to fate with paralysed wings...

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Calon Cymru

I have always been

On the bleak bald mountain

I have dwelt through the ages

At the deep source of the fountain

Guardian of all knowledge:

Before they knew me

I was here


When this land was fashioned around my soul

Sole guardian uncrowned

Then  I loved this mortal mound

Tenured on God's holy ground


I have always been

At the brow of the hill

I was th...

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countryenglyn formenglynionlandmountainriverwaterswords

A Mountain Cameo

This poem first suggested itself to me while looking at the magnificent mountain scenery of Interlaken in the Bernese Oberland of Switzerland. Beautifully dangerous!


A Mountain Cameo

Silvered by many alpine peaks, an orange sun

reflects, glass-like, off still dawn meltwaters,

a fireball inside a snow-white aural gleam

thrown carelessly into a child's rockpool.

Streaming no r...

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After climbing so many thousands of feet up the mountain I have finally reached the top, the view is like another world with so many things visible from where the eagles live.

A fine layer of cloud makes the ground seem hazy and non distinct like a fading memory you want to remember.

Ever so slowly a flock of birds fly past below skirting the...

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mountainviewhigh groundsky



She came to me out of the sky from the blue,                                                               

she is a high altitude cloud Cirrus maiden.                                                                       

She found me on the mountaintop,                                                                  

our worlds met as one!                                   ...

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Great, warm wet ocean rolling, curving, boiling cauldron.

Little grains of sand – brown, white, clear, black.

Thrown together onto the beach.

A small layer, a medium layer, a deep layer compressed into rock.

Hundreds of feet thick. Exposed to elements, rain, cold, wind, snow.

No warm carboniferous sun here. Just a windy plateau of a rock face.


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sandoceantimemountaingeological processmother nature

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