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night (Remove filter)


You are
The Candle, I’m
The night

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I push away the ending of the day


I push away the ending of the day


when I gaze in the mirror

cleaning my teeth

back and forth  

back and forth

repetitive motion, much like the day’s comings

and goings, 

a reflection of the darker side of boredom 


when the house feels not like a home,

so very still and empty of life,

I hear the cars passing on the freeway,

miles away,

while all is...

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Waking to see autumn's lustre

lit on my beech


rust leaves gilt glowing

red gold bathed by


a rising sun's first grasp

of day.


Turning to see gold amber cirrus

low light the east -


beneath a darker grey purple

cloud bruise


that golden gleam of

dawning dawn.


So my sad grey purple dreams

dawn dim


their dark ghosts disconnect ...

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Dark Lullaby

As this first night knows me

as my soul becomes its dream

I understand my small being

is one with time's vast scream.

Even now I know between

my heart's first aspen flutter

and its last soft ashen beat

endless dark passions must clutter

my every empty lonely night

and bear down to hold my mind;

only this one moment knows a calm:  

a velvet dark - a fusty smell - fi...

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No Star Was Seen

To You who art

To me, when I see

The made star night

Looming, enfolding,

Displacing the confusion

Of maps and charts.

A darkness that is as light

As the day when

The sweat and the blood

Tasted by a dying thief

Glistened, glistened, glistened,

While the hot sky

Darkened, darkened, darkened.

No star was seen

But looming,

Falling, falling, w...

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In Mumbai

When the Sky is dark blue 
And the Dawn becomes true 
Just pray, same as I do 
May my wish touches you 


When sun rises in the Sky 
And the birds ready to fly 
Just remember what I say 
We'll meet, surely, in Mumbai 


When you stay lonely at night 
And you wear your lovely white 
Just be sure I'm always right 
You're lovely dream on sight

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becomebirdbluedardawndodream sightflyIndialonelylovelymeetMumbainightprayreadyrememberrightrisesayskystaysunsuretouchtruewearwhitewish

The Darkness of the Night

Misty rain all around

Falls in vain to the ground

Calling my name without a sound

Into the darkness of the night

Heavier now it starts to fall

I wonder how it last at all

Louder now it starts to call me

Into the darkness of the night

It stops abruptly without a trace

The moon shining brightly on my face

The voices fade slowly into the space

Of the darkness of the n...

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First, it is only that the tree

is more a presence

less a shadow

beyond my window

then other horizons

light their resting clouds

with a subtle pre-dawn glow

that slowly sets the first gold sun glint

on each high branch above

against a new pale blue sky -

will dawn chasten my succubus

end our companioned time?

that half-felt fragile warmth beside me

seems to s...

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In the pale moonglow

In the pale moonglow when I awoke

somehow shadows seemed the darker

as mantling the land, that soft white cloak

of crystal shine leaves them starker


What cold mystic spell holds fast my hand

what eerie charm doth my fate seal

in darkling night whence daylight is banned

with what ice maid have I to kneel


As my eyes take in my ghost white bride

one last iced tear...

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Black Starlit Dream

In the frost sharp moonless night

the stars light the air

with a quiet and mystic brilliance

much closer than of yore

as a still quiet


the world below


Through the cold crystal dark night

a ghost drifts the grass

silent echo of a whispered flight

tree high above my eye

its soft locus


the land below


Through an ice star argent glea...

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