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The Lunatics are On the Move

The Lunatics are On the Move.


We have sat for years and turned an ignorant blind eye.

Now we are closer than ever to paying the inevitable price.

Only defending out of greed, self-preservation and interest.

Sometimes creating unwarranted and unneeded conflict.


Claiming we have an automatic right for a place at the top table.

 With us by your side the world will be consi...

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WarInvasion.PoliticsCowardiceDictatorshippersecutionpolitical poetry peace

This modern day government are glorified Hitlers

I know little facts about war today
without facts in reason
i know enough
I know in school
they teach us in history of evil Hitler
How he murdered millions
children women men
the gas chambers
the injustice
vile despicable creature
"That will never happen again"
"how times have changed "
or have they ?
yes we are a modern world
computers updated typewriters
things are different now

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