The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

politics (Remove filter)

Having exhausted most troubleshooting options

for democrats everywhere,

Nov. 2024


General alarm: the inside

of the machine is very dirty,

and although we thought

the optimum temperature reached,

still the light hasn't come on.


We assumed we were

plugged into the mains,

but the descaling procedure

has failed; the water retains

its hardness, and because we're not

correctly positioned, we have to adj...

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polemicpoliticsAmericadonald trump

An Airshow Progressive


The Farnborough Airshow is much more than that. It is one of the countries largest Arms Fairs. The deals are made beyond the public gaze, the corporate days outnumber the public days. This poem relates to the masquerade that is The Farnborough Air Show and Murder Incorporated.



Women, Children, Ice cream, Balloons,

excitement, enticement, sonic booms...


Shattered Stree...

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WarArms TradeCAATPolitics

Go Live Day

Sheaves of stamps with perforated edges

Crumpled postal orders and giro books

Biros, jotters, paperclips and ledgers

Welcoming smiles and knowing, sideways looks

Parcels, diligence and calibration

Columns filled with calculator clicks

Ink stamps thud in rhythm with the nation

Lips seal envelopes with efficient licks

One day they came with boxes, drills and cable

“It’s ti...

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posto officesonnethorizonpoliticstechnology

New Labour...

There was nothing new 

in what I saw

For, what I saw 

I'd seen before

They'd like me to see 

what I do not

Instead of the same 

Old political rot.

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True Cost

They decide to divide us by race, religion and culture, add taxes and bills like a cold money vulture.
Put money and futures in lining their pocket, deductions and pensions on your wage docket.
Corruption and dealing, whilst blaming the poor, like oliver holding the bowl they'll show you the door.
In ivory towers showing no blame, they continue to run in all moneys game.
What's the cost of a l...

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Greedrichespoorsocial commentarypolitics

Sides Of The Coin

The battle before us -

“The Left and The Right”,

calling to everyone,

“Join in the fight!”


Calling, demanding -

“Which side are you on?”

The Left or The Right

not the right or the wrong.


Dividing while fighting

not missing a day.

Not doing or proving

they mean what they say.


A dog and a pony

make up their whole show,

crafted to hide


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politicsleft wingright wingcorruptionpolitical corruption

The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled 

Is making the world believe he doesn’t  exist 


I don’t know why but I don’t agree 

Let me explain I have an idea you see 

Conspiracy theories is fuel for his flames 

Brexit, traffic jams and gossip entertain… 

His hoards and minions cheer and go wild 

All waiting for the day that Johnson’s defiled 

With a rod up his buttocks fo...

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