The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Night On A Rainbow

arches and keystone

without one they fall

life sustained by you

or I had nothing at all


skies at time of damp

arch of hues on show

feast with brittle rays

grist for my rainbow


refraction bends light

you twisted my heart

with love's pot of gold

vowed we'd not part


rainbow but an illusion

your promise the same

capricious the crescent

not ho...

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Duality Dissected

Sometimes black and white become one. 

Gods omnipresecence is seen, white dancing across black. 

Morning comes from night. 

Day breaks and lights the dark. 

Half the world is light, while the other half is dark.

In the dance of shadows, white light reflects colors on dark night. 

Prisms take white light and reflect colors on black night. 

White light, dark night.

Black canv...

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blackdark side of the moondualityGodIntrospectionPink Floydprismreflectionspiritualitywhite

Imprisoned or Prism

This poem is a response to Cynthia B.T's. polite polemic, Mind in a Cage.

I am grateful to her for having incited me to use my mind.

Imprisoned or Prism

Our mind is the eye

By which we see, or not, all worlds;

The humdrum, the yet to come,

The mathematical, the fantastical.

By which we perceive, or n...

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Itchy eyes get claustrophobic
And crawl out of their cradle skin,
Down copper and carbon conductive tracks
That refract, through a Prism.
On through invisible fire walls of steel machines,
A thousand eyes, packed inside, one computer screen.

Crashing through Windows like sun light,
Juicing Apples, and goggling your Google Plus.
The paradime online, access anytime,
Free ride...

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